si tu parles des sparkles (pailletes) effectivement, ca n'est plus produit :
sterling ball a écrit :
Please excuse me in advance if some of this thread comes off as abrupt or condesending. It is not my intention. There are thousands of registered members here and about 50 regulars. Thanks for the regulars, and I wish some of the lurkers would join the fun. I did! One thing that delayed me joining was some of the posts continually beat a dead horse, and if some of the people would stop and think about some of these issues with a small dose of common sense the reasoning on our part might make a little more sense.
Lets start with sparkle. We got into sparkle because Dweezil Zappa wanted an Albert Lee in a baby blue sparkle with an 80's baby blue mirror pick guard. We then made a pink sparkle for Lisa Loeb, and then a gold sparlke for Blues Sarasceno. It was our big push at that winters namm show. Guitar Centers buyer went wild for them but NOBODY else did foriegn or domestic. I wished I listened to my good friend Paul Reed Smith when I showed him to them . He said "WOW, these are fantastic sparkles, Let me know if they work cause I couldn't give them away when I tried them. We blew our wad at the NAMM show and the Guitar Center buyer was replaced, I had to write a big check to Guitar Center to clear the sparkles out so they could buy good selling stuff. Do you think that we don't make sparkles to punish a few forumites? No we don't make them because the general public doesn't want them and we lost our ass when we did make them. I hope that puts this one to bed.
There are over 34,000 ways you can buy a Music Man Instrument! That in itself is crazy and Harvard consultants would say we are out of our minds. Each time we add a color it adds HUNDREDS of extra models or build codes. Each year we reluctantly have to discontinue colors to add newer more popular and current colors. When we look at what we discontinue we look at the fewest ordered not the most popular with the forum. If Blue Dawn was a big seller I would be happy to paint them all day long.
From where I sit over 34,000 choices and you guys are still are not satisfied.
I'll give you a story. When we did the EVH we had a bunch of colors and there was a beautiful dark green one. I knew from past history that green guitars don't sell. It didn't sell, we discontinued it and were inundated with requests for dark green EVH's.
I said we will re release it, but green guitars don't sell and the guys clamoring for them won't be reaching for the wallet when they are available again. They were re-released and nobody bought them! Name a sucessful green guitar. Don't say sea foam because Fender had a hard time giving them away in the old days. the Envy Green LE sold a fraction of the previous radience Red. The Buttercream is dusting both of them.
I got to go and squeeze a nice ruby red desert grapefruit and lace it heavily with some Ketel One. Have a nice weekend and I will try to respond to the forum LE if I get time.
Thanks for your support!
Big Poppa