TheSoulsRemain a écrit :
Kandide a écrit :
Richter a écrit :
J'adore ce que faisait Rocktron. Je regrette d'avoir vendu mon Intellipitch et encore plus mon Prophesy (qu'on trouve désormais dans les 300 balles).
Ce qui est dommage c'est qu'ils n'ont pas continué alors qu'à une époque ils étaient à la pointe !
Ils auraient pu améliorer l'Intellifex, le Chameleon avec des nouveaux composants électriques beaucoup plus rapides, etc.
Ils ont laissé un boulevard à Fractal, Kemper,...
Les cerveaux de Rocktron sont pas partis monter une autre boite ? ou une partie seulement ?
Et c'est pas Rocktron qui a sorti des preamp très bon en 1U pour peau de balles mais qui ne se sont pas vendu ? bradé sur amazon la replique du plexi et 200/300 balles je crois..
"In the year 2000, Rocktron was sold to GHS Corporation, famous for its GHS Strings (including Boomers).
The move was a short one, a mere 100 miles from the northern suburbs of Detroit to Battle Creek, Michigan. Bob Waller remains the division President / General Manager and thus the brand is still under the care and guidance of an original founder. Jim Chowning continues to serve music retailers in both technical support and sales roles.
The design and development aspects continue to come from Michigan. Key engineering moved with the company as it folded into the GHS umbrella and Rocktron remains a brand developed and designed by American musicians. Product is now cost-effectively manufactured offshore under strict Rocktron requirements.
We know guitar players of all types will continue to choose Rocktron for their tone, effects and control needs. We live to further push the tremendous range of products that will enhance and enrich your lives. We understand that Rocktron users are often loyal to the brand, using multiple Rocktron items in their live and studio setups, and they proudly let others know their allegiance to the world’s best brand of electronics for guitarists.
We love what we do here, and it shows in our product offerings. Part sonic "black magic," part electronic innovation and technology, Rocktron will continue to please you with great sound."