Salut à tous,
Ca fait un bail que j'ai pas posté - j'ai beaucoup de boulot à la fac et ai dû suivre une cure de désintox de pour arriver à être un minimum efficace
On est en train de mettre au point une démo avec le groupe pour lequel j'avais auditionné en Mars dernier (pour ceux qui se souviennent). Je vous avais promis de vous tenir au courant, et bien voilà un premier morceau (non-masterisé, en home-studio, donc soyez indulgent, ce n'est pas du son "pro").
Le morceau s'appelle "Oz", en référence au magicien (et non au chanteur de Black Sabbath ! :wink
D'ici fin Novembre on aura enregistré 3 ou 4 morceaux de plus, donc si vous avez aimé celui-là, j'en posterai d'autres. Si vous avez pas aimé, et bien... Je viendrai plus déranger, c'est promi
Voilà le morceau :
Et les paroles pour ceux que ça intéresse :
I have been everywhere I was supposed to
I have loved everyone I was supposed to
I have done everything I was supposed to
Yet it seems that I still can’t get any clue
C And the world is spreading out its tentacles
H Around me and it smothers hard…
O … Smothers harder…
R … I need a way out of here
U Twisting away to the Land of Oz
S Twisting away… (to a place…)
I have been everyone I was supposed to
How is it then that I still feel so blue?
To a place where I can choose the colour of what I believe in
Where I can be a drummer and still play the violin
Where the logical is no foe to his magical twin
Where I can lay my weapons down and finally love you
Oh I will journey to this place
In spite of everything you do
I’ll stay away from “just in case”
“You have been warned” and “I told you”
And I will walk my fastest pace
To make sure I am not stuck to
Oh I will hobnob with a coven
Trading the purple for the blue
Getting a glimpse of my own heaven
And that will help me forgive you
And I will ride an elephant
If only to make it seem true
Oh I have journeyed to this place
In spite of everything you’ve done
I stayed away from “just in case”
And “it has all been said and done”
And I have walked my fastest pace
To make sure I could come undone
And now I ride an elephant
Hang out with the moon and the sun
Oh yeah I ride an elephant…
To a place where I can choose the colour of what I believe in
Where I can be a drummer and still play the violin
Where the magical is no foe to his logical twin
Where I lay my weapons down and finally give into my glorious mind
'Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.' Frank Zappa.