soopajeanmi a écrit :
Onvatouscrever a écrit :
Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire, quelle est l'appellation officielle du Princeton Blackface d'époque (AA1164, B1270, ect...) ? Et c'est quelle version qui a été retenue pour le reissue ?
AA1164 ou AB1270 apparemment, je ne sais pas vraiment les différences entre ces 2 circuits.
Je pense que Fender a plutot choisi le AA1164 pour le reissue, voici ce que j'ai trouvé comme description des différences entre les 2 circuits:
It takes very little effort to blackface the silverface PR models without the push-pull volume boost. If you have a blackface PR you should inspect the circuit and not just the tube chart to verify which model you have, either the AA1164, AA764 or AB1270. Sharp readers will see that the silverface AB1270 circuit is identical to the blackface AB1270. Otherwise, there are minor differences within all blackface and silverface circuits.
The following changes were introduced (that we know about) in AB1270 and AA764 compared to initial pre-CBS AA1164:
The 5U4 rectifier tube was changed to a GZ34 in AA764. GZ34 has noticably less sag than a 5U4. So if you want the sag (compression effect) of a pre-CBS blackface PR, go down to 5U4. It is safe to go from GZ34/5AR4 to a 5U4, but not the other way.
The electrolytic cap providing dc voltage to tremolo circuit changed from 25μF/50V to 50μF/70V in AB1270 and 50μF/70V in AA764. The initial AA1164 has slightly stronger tremolo. See the green circled cap to the right in the figure below.
The reverb recovery circuit in AB1270 got a 2000pF highpass cap leading higher frequencies to ground. This makes the reverb slightly darker with less presence, if noticable at all. See the green circled cap to the left."