désolé, mais comme d'hab, G.com a fait sa bug et je n'étais plus prévenu des ajouts au topic.
jimiyves a écrit :
Désolé pour le HS, mais à ton avis, avec des eq programmables pre gain et post gain, combien de canaux seraient nécessaires sur un ampli pour couvrir une très grande partie des amplis existants ?
Dans les 15/20, enfin, vaut généralement mieux opter pour des versions 'customisées' que celles de base
ZePot a écrit :
Incroyable ce truc. A priori ça correspond au cahier des charges de notre ami gaulois.
Pas tout à fait quand même, bien que le concept soit franchement pas mal pensé, mais :
- seulement 20 emplacements mémoires : c'est absolument ridicule!
- pédalier et non rack
- à voir s'ils communiquent sur le protocole : l'intérêt d'un truc modulaire comme ça se doit d'être le même que celui des cartes d'ordi, autrement dit, que quiconque pris par l'envie de déveloper soit en mesure de bourrer ses propres cartes dedans, seul un système open source rendra pérenne ce genre d'appareil, ça ne branchera certainement pas Roland, EHX, Maxon ou MXR/Dunlop qui à tous les coups voudront imposer, comme d'habitude, un système propriétaire s'ils se lancent sur un tel marché mais si nos amis chinois la jouent open source avec les DIYers et fabricants 'boutique', leur système pourrait s'imposer laissant les têtes de dans les choux : c'est pas les déclinaisons 'boutique'/DIY haut de gamme de littéralement tout ce qui existe chez les gros fabricants qui manquent
- ça reste quand même Biyang qui est derrière cet engin, z'ont beau fabriquer des Fx pour pas mal de marques (dont Akai), je ne crois pas qu'on soit pour autant chez TC ou Moog ou les fabricants boutique question son "haut de gamme", ça doit déjà être beau s'ils font du Maxon/Boss/MXR et je doute qu'à part peut être une Muff, ils sortent des Fx de barge à la EHX, quoique, j'avoue n'avoir entendu que des démos youtube et il est clair que les démos de l'engin en question sont - probantes que le PedalPro, maintenant, claquer la babasse dans un Fender superchamp à modélisation, pour l'analog, on repassera.
Oui je pense, en tout cas ça ressemble à ce que j'imaginais, excepté que dans le multi que je voyais, les slots pour les cartes auraient été extérieurs, pour les enlever et les remettre facilement. Et j'imaginais aussi quelques effets numériques.
T'as la charmante
Devi Ever qui annonce un système à cartouches externes pour décembre et là, c'est open source, t'as déjà une bonne 20aine de fabricants boutique dont Analogman ou Empress qui comptent développer pour ce protocole.
Toutefois, ça limite à priori à maxi 3 'cartouches' qui devraient être vendues 50$ pièce et c'est pas programmable, n’empêche, si on ne peut pas vraiment dire qu'elle invente niveau effets et fait surtout des fuzz, elle s'y est superbement ris pour fédérer tout le monde autour d'elle, à la différence de Zach Vexter qui s'est mis toute la communauté DIY à dos alors qu'il en est issu... (et AMHA, elle va surtout faire son beurre en fourguant des cartouches vides
RogerAxetrample a écrit :
The PedalPro has been designed from a specific philosophy, but only the engineers can properly explain this. Let's say they went all the way and did not compromise on certain things, like quality components, construction, flexibility and fx control. MIDI couldn't give them what they needed: they come up with ADES. Works great and an improvement over MIDI (onedirectional, stepwise control, latency, programming needed)
Dear Roger.
I have no problem to understand what the engineers had in mind. If you want 2 know, I had my sound engineer cours in a music research center that had dev'd it's own protocol which was faster and more efficient than MIDI, the funny fact is that they did it in 1978 or 1979 and the midi protocal was, IIRW, published in 1982 or smth like that... Their system found no founding and never went in production, bankers even laughed at them saying nobody will ever have the use of this kinda thing...
Let's be clear : I'm not at all agains the use of other things than midi but the fact is that MIDI IS THE STANDARD, and btw, they still use a midi out, so, from my point of view, and U had the same reactions on TGP, HC or Audiofanzine and I think nobody has something against your company, enforcing ADES input and Pedalino as mandatory control center and control pedal is a major flaw in the concept.
I have no problems recognizing it sounds great but the Pedalino makes it cool only with baby-rigs and the Pedal Pro has to be used as master in a rig, but hey, most of the potential buyers have already a rig which they had hard time to configure and they have generally bigger midipedals, sometimes with more than 20/24 footswitches and up to 6 EXPs which they payed big bucks for. Not putting a MIDI in on PedalPro is simply enough for most of rack users to not buy it! ven Roland had it's own proprietary system on GP8/16/GS6 called RRC and they gave up (BTW, there was RRC and MIDI in on racks). Frankly, not wanting to compromise on midi in which is a costless thing can only be seen one way : they want buyers to mandatory use their Pedalino and buyers will respond "no way" or they think they are the center of the effect universe and they maybe should know that Digitech/DOD/Lexicon = Harman group, t'was sold 8 billions $ in 2007 to Goldman-Sachs, the biggest bank in the world. Roland/Boss = Panasonic which can make custom electronic components for them too, and Maxon/Ibanez is not small, I'm even ready to bet that companies like Rocktron/GHS, TC, or Even Bradshaw/CAE are much bigger than Vintage-Revolution and unless at least Roland, Yamaha, Harman and Korg gave up the MIDI protocol, trying to make a prorietary protocol mandatory without them is a geek dream (and BTW, good luck to find a volume or wah pot with 128 'values' if you test it with a ohm-meter : you'll be happy if the best ones with military specs put out different 40 values! I mess for enough long with multi Fx and building pedals and amps for just being able to tell u 1 thing : midi and sysex are enough to control it and even synths, that's why it's still used now)
For me personally, the sound quality of the PedalPro is much better, and more inspiring (important!) then anything else i've used before.
due to what I've heard, it equals boutique pedals, no problem for me, but hey, what if you prefer some effects not inside? I've just reverse engineered the TC Chorus/Flanger a few weeks ago, nobody even me has built a clone for now and this baby is 30 y old! And whatabout Moogerfoogers? Did you tried them? Have fun to find a better phaser than the Moog and their other fx are ure kickass too and it'll be hellish to reverse such things, even the non surface mounted components ones, especially considering that I don't plan to do it (unless I gain access again to radiology or echography devices
: look @ the guts I posted, u'll c why hardcore methods are needed, happily, those are CV or even midi controlled, but still enormous and not practical at all fucking big stompboxes, I don't even dream of seing such things in a multi Fx 2U rack). As u understand french, look at what we discussed about the commercial failure of almost every analog multi-effect for 25 years and why ppl still use stompboxes by millions and pay big bucks for stupid midi switchers-loopers... And just look at the reactions of Zepot or JimiYves about the tech-in-mind/Biyang stuff : chinese understood a lot to guitarists needs. Frankly, I could give consulting advices to any effect companies, hey, some of my former buddies as staff on the biggest french speaking DIY forum are advisors or work for well known companies and we had hundred of ppl as guinea pigs
"Le monde ne sera pas détruit par une bombe atomique, mais englouti par un fleuve de merde."
- Charles Bukowski
"Sauvez les végétaux et les forêts! Mangez du gibier!"-Obé
- Grattes+Basses : Vigier, Leduc, Patrice Blanc, Xavier Petit, J3guitares, Lâg, Roland, Danelectro, Art&Lutherie, PRS, Krappy, Ibanez, Hagström, Ovation, Aria, Eagle, Condé Hermanos
- Amps : Mesa-Boogie, Marshall, Soldano, Ampeg, Carvin, Pignose, Fender, ObLX, Telefunken, Traynor; Cabs : Electrovoice, Audax, JBL, Weber, Beyma
- FX : ObLX, Moog, EHX, Zvex, Eventide, TC, Lexicon, Rocktron, Roland, Yamaha, DLS, Boss, Ibanez, Rockman
- Analog synth : Oberheim, Roland, Cheetah, SIEL
Endorsé : Marc Dorcel, viande-chevaline.fr; distillerie Othon-Schmitt.lu