Merci de confirmer que ces extraits ne rendent pas justice à l'éclipse. Par contre je reste déçu par les effets obtenus qui ne me paraissent pas extraordinaires, mais il est vrai qu'avec une mauvaise qualité sonore on perd beaucoup de la substance qui fait la différence avec un TC par exemple.
J'ai posé une question sur le forum FAS (avant d'avoir écouté les extraits lol) et voilà la réponse obtenue d'un utilisateur Eventide.
I might be in a fairly unique position to offer some insight. I've known Italo for a few years (not personally, just through Eventide Forum) and I own an H8000FW and an Eclipse (after years of using Eventide harmonizers). I bought both primarily for guitar EFX although I use the H8000 for lots of other things. They are both amazing devices and Italo is a brilliant EFX designer.
As to: can the Axe do this? In nearly all cases, the answer is "yes" and, often "more easily". I do not even use my Eventides for guitar since I got my Ultra 2 years ago. My Axe 2 arrived today so I am basing my answer only on the Ultra. I have not discovered anything that the Eclipse can do that the Ultra cannot, given enough tweaking. However Italo's sound designs are very unique and might take a lot of work to duplicate in the Axe. But, I've done it occasionally with the 2 devices side by side. And, in general, the Axe is FAR easier to use than the Eventides. I'm, a huge believer in GUIs. Eventide does not have one and this really sucks. Axe Edit makes scrolling through endless menus in a tiny Eventide LCD screen silly. Bottom line: I do not believe that the Eclipse has any capabilities that cannot be duplicated in an Ultra. However, it has some very cool presets that are very Eventide.
The comparison of the H8000 to the Axe is not really fair. You buy an H8000 more for it's I/O capabilities than for its superior algorithms. I use my H8000 more for studio EFX. If I want a great verb, I have 40 at my fingertips. I do not believe the H8000 is really a guitar player’s tool. It is cumbersome and lacks many components that the Axe has. But, can the Axe duplicate the amazing multi-modulated verbs or comb filters, band delays… the H8000 has stock? Maybe. But, I certainly wouldn’t want to spend the time trying. That’s why I own an H8000. I do find myself using my H8000 a lot on acoustic guitars for really cool textures. But, in the end, it is the I/O and EFX you buy an H8000 for: 8 channels of pristine AES I/O, routed almost any way one could imagine. It is a very cool device and Italo did a brilliant job with it. But, when my electric guitars come out to play, it is not the H8000 I reach for.