pour info voici ce que ma répondu Gibson au sujet des n°s de series :
We have found the serial number you provided in our database, it links to an SG Junior in Wine Red with Chrome Hardware, made in 2005.
In fact, it is part of a dealer edition, which was not sold on all markets.
In July 2005 Gibson changed the serial number system from 8 to 9 digits. The key for the eight-digit serial number from 1977 till 2005 is this:
YY is the production year (e.g. 05 for 2005) DDD is the day of the year (e.g. 312 equals 8th of November, the 312th day of the year) PPP is the plant designation and/or instrument rank (it gives information about where the guitar was made and the ranking. Your guitar was probably the 30st of the 31st that was made that day.
>From July 2005 on the key is this:
The sixth number is now a batch number. Batch 0 starts at the beginning of the day, and once we stamp 699, the batch number will change to 1. The first 5 numbers remain the same, the last 3 numbers remain the same, the only difference is the addition of this batch indicator.
There are a few exceptions to this rule, e.g. the Les Paul Classic Models or guitars from the Custom shop. These can include letters or consist of 6 numbers. You will find more information about this in the future under the following link:
Rock n' Roll, Dude !