J'ai envoyé un petit mail à Doug et voici ce qu'il m'a été répondu, pour donner une idée du service:
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Gibson LesPaul STD Faded
I would like to know if the Gibsons LP STD Faded you sell are from a
B-stock, because your prices are really low. Compared to a very famous
german on-line shop, you're about 300£ (!!!) under their price, and this
another online shop is known for having low prices!
Where's the trap? How can you do that?... I've never seen such low prices
for some Gibson LesPaul. I do think you propose a B-stock, Am I wrong?
But anyway, I'm interested in the Gibson LesPaul STD Faded Tobacco Sunburst
at 1099£. Can you please tell me if this guitar is on stock and what would
be the freight costs for France if not free (1099£, you could send it for
Thank you.
HI Zenabirg,
We get all our Gibsons from the UK distributor Rosetti and they are all
"A" stock. There is a deal on these guitars from the distributor this month
so we can offer them at an excellent price.
We have faded tobaccoburst in stock and I can supply you with a serial
number that you can check with the distributors if you wish.
Shipping to France is £25 and the total cost would be £1124. Shipping takes
2 days.
Non mais parce que la LP STD Faded Tobaccoburst, miaaaam-miaaaammm!!! :C1:
Find your own way.