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La modif pour le headroom c'est ca:
High-voltage preamp mod: $5
Brighter, crisper tone, better headroom for only $5. This mod replaces four resistors in the power supply and preamp and brings the voltages up to a more typical Fender Blackface level. Highly recommended for green board amps. It works for cream boards too, especially if you’re looking for a brighter tone with more clean headroom. The tone is more “dry” on the cream board, which isn’t to everyone’s taste.
Ce sont 4 resistances a remplacer.:
Billm High-Voltage Preamp Mod
This mod brings the preamp tube voltage up to the level commonly found on
Fender's larger amps to more closely match the crisper tone and greater
headroom found on those amps.
Remove the circuit board as shown at
Desolder the two large 10K resistors from the power supply, R48 and R49 on the
cream board; R55 and R33 on the green board. Clip the leads close to the board
and desolder the stub from the rear. Don't attempt to desolder the entire resistor;
you will likely tear the solder pad or trace on the rear when you try to remove it.
Replace with the two large 2K resistors. Make sure the solder has flowed evenly
over the leads and the circuit board pad, but don't overheat the board. If you
have an elevated resistor in one position it is not necessary to elevate the
replacement because it runs much cooler.
Desolder the two 100K preamp plate resistors, R3 and R8 on the cream board;
R3 and R10 on the green board. As above, clip the leads and desolder; don't
attempt to remove the intact resistor from the board.
Replace with the two smaller 82K resistors. As above, the solder should have
flowed onto both the circuit board pad and the lead.
Reassemble the amplifier and test. You will have more clean headroom and
brighter, crisper tone.
Cream board owners, if your amp sounds a little cold to you a simple fix is to
swap the bass and treble pots. Both are the same value, but on the cream board,
the bass is audio taper and the treble is linear taper. On the green board, they're
the opposite. Switching the two will cause the bass to come on sooner and will
hold off the treble until you're up to 9 or 10. All of the same tones are available,
but in different places on the control. Overall, however, the amp feels warmer
and more resonant.
Le blues élève l'ame ; le parapente élève l'homme.