Voila les nouveautés dans la 12.03
Axe-Fx II Firmware Release Notes
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NOTE: Feedback values in the Delay and Multi-Delay blocks now range from -100% to 100%. Presets created with prior versions of firmware will be automatically adjusted UNLESS they use a global Delay or Multi-Delay block. Therefore any global Delay or Multi-Delay blocks will need to be manually edited to restore the feedback parameters to desired values.
NOTE: Due to the changes in the feedback values described above retrieving individual Delay or Multi-Delay blocks from other presets via Recall->Effect can cause incorrect values to be loaded. To avoid this it is recommended to update all presets. This can be accomplished using the Update All Presets function in the Utility->Preset menu. This will recall then save each preset, formatting the data using the latest preset protocol.
Changed “Copy Out1 to Out2” option to “Output 2 Echo”. Choices are “None”, “Output 1”, and “Input 1”. This allows echoing the main input to Output 2 for reamping use (thereby bypassing the Noise Gate). Note that the echo feature will not function when an FX Loop block is present in a preset as the FX Loop has priority.
Added Bright and Sat switches to Advanced menu in Amp block. This allows connecting a Modifier to these switches for various uses, i.e. engaging via a foot controller.
Added Dump feature to IR Capture utility. After an IR has been captured pressing this button will dump a full, unprocessed, 8K sample IR to the USB port.
Greatly improved “cathode squish modeling” for cathode biased power amp models. This improves the feel for affected amp types, i.e. Class-A, Mr Z, etc. Two new parameters have been added which allow the user to alter the pertinent variables: Cathode Squish and Squish Time. Cathode Squish sets the amount of bias shift due to cathode voltage rise and Squish Time sets the time constant of the cathode network. These parameters are set to default values upon selection of an amp type. Setting Cathode Squish to zero defeats the cathode squish modeling.
Preamp modeling now uses screen voltage from power amp in calculations rather than operating independently. This improves feel as preamp voltage will drop with power amp sag. The effect is more noticeable as Supply Sag is increased. Note that preamp sag has a long time constant and, as such, the initial pick attack is relatively unaffected while sustained sounds undergo compression. This results in a “chewier” sensation.
Improved single-ended power amp modeling.
Added “Mr Z MZ-8” amp model based on a Dr. Z MAZ-8.
Added “Car Roamer” amp model based on a Carr Rambler.
Added “USA Sub Blues” amp model based on a Mesa Subway Blues.
Added "Wrecker Lvrpool" amp model based on a Trainwreck Liverpool.
Added “Citrus Terrier” amp model based on an Orange Tiny Terror. Note that the actual amp has no tone stack and a single tone control. The tone control is actually a high cut control in the power amp and is therefore replicated by the Hi Cut parameter. The Hi Cut set fully CCW is equivalent to the amp’s tone knob fully CW. The model uses a neutral tone stack. Set T/M/B to noon for authentic sounds or adjust to taste.
Added “Citrus A30” amp models based on an Orange AD30HTC.
Added “Div/13 FT37” amp models based on a Divided by 13 FTR 37. The “Lo” model has the Gain Boost off, whilst the “Hi” model has it on.
Added “Matchbox D-30” amp model based on a Matchless DC-30.
Added “FAS Class-A” amp model which is a “Blackface” preamp into a cathode-biased 6L6 power amp with no negative feedback. This was a happy accident when originally modeling the Carr Rambler in the beta version of this release. Several mistakes were made in the model prior to MIMIC’ing the amp but the model was so well liked that we decided to make it into its own custom amp model.
Improved 5150-based models by refining sat switch circuit behavior. In a 5150-based amp the hard clipping is done by a tube stage prior to the cathode follower. As such this stage is subject to power supply sag. Normal hard clipping “sat” circuits are implemented with diodes and not subject to supply sag. This results in these amp models having a “squishier” feel (see preamp compression above).
Added Key parameter to Pitch block Custom Shifter. This applies to both scales and transposes the scales to the desired key. For example, if a Custom Scale is configured such that its root is A and you want to play in the key of G you would simply set Key to ‘G’. Internally the Axe-Fx II assumes all Custom Scales have a root of A so setting Key to ‘A’ will do no transposition. Existing presets may need to have the Key reset to ‘A’ to perform as intended.
Added a Barber Pole Phaser type to the Phaser block. This mode creates a phaser that appears to always move in the same direction. Note that the Freq and Tempo parameters are not used in this mode. Also note that Mix should be set to 100% for normal operation whereas 50% is typical in the other modes. This effect works best at slow rates and when placed near the end of a signal chain.
Added Start Phase parameter to Tremolo/Panner block. This parameter selects the starting LFO phase when engaging the block.
Added “Dimension” parameter to Chorus block. This engages a processing algorithm that simulates the Roland SDD-320 Dimension D chorus unit. This parameter has four settings:
Off: algorithm is disengaged.
Low: A neutral version of the Dimension D with no frequency coloration.
Med: Classic Dimension D processing buttons 1-3.
High: Classic Dimension D processing button 4.
Added “Dimension” type to Chorus block based on a Roland Dimension D. This type utilizes the “Dimension Mode” parameter described above. Note that the Dimension D had fixed rate and depth for each of the four modes. In modes 1 and 2 the rate is 0.25 Hz. In modes 3 & 4 the rate is 0.5 Hz. The Axe-Fx II does not set the rate and depth giving vastly more flexibility. Set the Rate as described for classic Dimension D sound or adjust to taste. Adjust Depth as desired.
Added “Mono” tracking mode to Pitch block Fixed and Whammy types. The Pitch Track parameter now selects “Off”, “Poly”, and “Mono”. Poly tracking works best for shifting chords and/or lower amounts of shift. Mono tracking works best for shifting single notes and/or larger shift amounts.
Delay and Multi-Delay blocks feedback parameters now have a range of -100% to 100%. This allows interesting effects via out-of-phase feedback.
Fixed certain amp models popping when switching to/from using X/Y.
Fixed wrong input variable lowpass frequency on Brit Brown model.
Fixed wrong MIMIC data assigned to Citrus RV50 model.
Fixed user cab names not updating when exporting Tone Match or capturing IRs.
Added protection against invalid Modifier data. This can help prevent crashes due to bad preset data.