La modification des largeurs de manche chez Gibson date de 1965.
David Watts a écrit :
Données récoltées par le gars sur un échantillon de 200 instruments produits en 1965 :
"With the list at a little over 200:
Overall 1965: 57.4% 1 11/16", 17.3% 1 10/16", 25.3% 1 9/16"
pre 335,000s (125 guitars): 72% 1 11/16" (
42,86 mm) nut, 21% 1 5/8" (
41,27 mm), 7% 1 9/16" (
39,6875 mm)
post 335,000s (77 guitars): 54.5% 1 9/16" (39,6875mm) nut, 11.7% 1 5/8" (41,27mm), 33.8% 1 11/16" (42,86mm)
One factor explaining the slight shifts after 150 guitars is that I took the Epiphones out and listed those separately. I did this after I noticed that the Epis seem to follow another pattern than the Gibsons. I've got a mere 14 Epis listed, but only four (28%) have the 1 11/16" nut.
Those Epis are a very small sample, but across a wide serial number range. This "could" indicate that Gibson started with the narrower nut widths mostly on the Epi line, and then somewhere in the summer or fall of 1965 (335K serial number range) adopted this as a standard for the Gibsons as well.
Disclaimer: the nut width does not say anything about the general feel and shape of the neck..."