J'ai préparé un mail à envoyer, mais j'aimerai vous le montrer si ça ne vous embête pas, au cas vous y veriez des exagerations, des fautes d'anglais...
"Hello, I recently discovered guitars Jim Reed on the net and it turns out that I am interested enough in these guitars.
I shall have wanted to ask you for a piece of information.
Is It possible for you to build a red Télécaster Tele Top in white pine solid body, with a roswood finger board, with a white Pickguard (the same that on the models thinline), with 2 Humbuckers Kent Amstrong with high output level, with binding on the body and on the neck, with a tiger maple top and finally with a strato model bridge ?
What shall be the price?
How long would it be necessary for me to wait?
By thanking you, please accept my best greetings."
Je n'osais pas l'envoyer directement au cas où il ne soit pas vraiment "convenable".
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