Mikka Grytviken a écrit :
Los Teignos a écrit :
Au mépris de sa double condamnation par la Justice Française en 2021 pour inaction climatique en regard des Accords de Paris, notre gouvernement s’apprête en effet vendredi prochain à reconduire le Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie, lequel prolongera jusqu’en 2040 la protection des investissements étrangers dans les énergies fossiles. Mais si vous savez : ces énergies dont les experts sur le climat nous disent que si on ne freine pas au maximum leur utilisation, 3,5 milliards d’individus risquent de le payer très cher dans les décennies qui viennent… À moins qu’il s’agisse d’un moyen habile de réformer les retraités à la sauce canicule de l’été 2003, il est de fait bien dur de comprendre la logique de tout cela…
Je n'en peux plus de ces imposteurs ...
On est deux...
Fossil fuel firms ‘have humanity by the throat’, says UN head in blistering attack
António Guterres compares climate inaction to tobacco firms dismissing links between smoking and cancer
Fossil fuel companies and the banks that finance them “have humanity by the throat”, the UN secretary general has said, in a “blistering” attack on the industry and its backers, who are pulling in record profits amid energy prices sent soaring by the Ukraine war.
António Guterres compared fossil fuel companies to the tobacco companies that continued to push their addictive products while concealing or attacking health advice that showed clear links between smoking and cancer, the first time he has drawn such a parallel.
He said: “
We seem trapped in a world where fossil fuel producers and financiers have humanity by the throat. For decades, the fossil fuel industry has invested heavily in pseudoscience and public relations – with a false narrative to minimise their responsibility for climate change and undermine ambitious climate policies.
They exploited precisely the same scandalous tactics as big tobacco decades before. Like tobacco interests, fossil fuel interests and their financial accomplices must not escape responsibility.”
Speaking to the Major Economies Forum, a climate conference organised by the White House, Guterres also castigated governments that are failing to rein in fossil fuels, and in many cases seeking increased production of gas, oil and even coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel.
He said: “Nothing could be more clear or present than the danger of fossil fuel expansion. Even in the short-term, fossil fuels don’t make political or economic sense.”