Mr Markbass a écrit :
"What does the microcontroller on the Classic 300 do?
The Classic 300’s microcontroller operates the Amp Management System, to keep the amp and its tubes in optimal working conditions at all times, and to warn you about any malfunction or tube failure. It rebiases the tubes every time you turn on the amp, in either "High Fidelity" or "Long Life" mode. The former gives higher audio quality, but is more taxing on the tubes—the latter slightly compromises the sound quality for longer tube life. You can switch back and forth anytime. The microcontroller also warns you if the impedance of your cabinet is too low, if there is no cabinet plugged in, if you’re getting too much or too little power into the amp, and if the amps’ internal temperature is too high. It will tell you if a power tube is failing, and which one. When your amp is getting service, it can be connected to a computer for a full diagnostic report."