Tiens je viens de trouver une info concernant une idée qui me tourne en tête depuis un certain temps :
quand on voit les topologies très proches des Mesa Boogie Mark et du Dumble ODS, je me demandai QUI avait eu l'idée en premier, est-ce que l'un avait copié l'autre ... ...
et j'ai trouvé ceci :
"I also recall that there was an interview to Randall Smith (you can find it in the Mesa Boogie site) where he was asked who came in first: himself with the Mark II-A or Dumble with his amp. He replied that both of them were working on similar designs with no knowledge of what the other one was doing.
In Randall Smith's own words... "As far as Dumble, I don't know much. I've never been inside of one of his amps, although I hear they're all gooped up to prevent copying and that they are built on printed circuit boards. I did run across a hand-drawn block diagram somewhere — I don't know — Gerald Weber's book or Aspen's — of an Overdrive Special and it looked to me like the functional equivalent of a Mark II. The configuration was the same, deriving the overdrive the same way, had the controls and internal switches in the same locations and so on. Howard no doubt has his own ways of doing things and makes great amps, so many of the parts values and such could be different, or the whole thing could be different for all I know. Really, my only exposure to his amps is that one block diagram, although I did meet him briefly in 1973 or'74."
Donc, en fait, ils ignoraient le travail de l'autre, ne se sont connu que tardivement et ont travaillé chacun de leur coté .
Mais, il y a quand même une lignée : j'ai toujours entendu que Larry Carlton a quitté ses MARK IIB Mesa Boogie quand ils sont passés au Mark IIC et que Mesa devenait plus intéressé par le hard: Mike Bendinelli qui a modifié le Mark II C en II C+ pour John Petrucci et leur gamme qui lorgnait plus vers le Hard ,
... ET très probablement aussi parce qu'il a entendu le DUMBLE de ... son pote Robben
Musician: Someone who puts $50,000 worth of gear into a $5,000 car to drive 100 miles to a $50 gig.
L'intelligence artificielle ne fait pas le poids face à la stupidité naturelle !
Nous sommes composés de 65% d'eau et de ... 35% de questions ...
... le moment est venu, quand l'heure est arrivée ...