Très bon article et très bonne vidéo de Glenn Fricker et Tray Xavier (GearGods) sur la pratique efficace de l'instrument (souvent un gros problème pour toute production musicale) :
Moi j'ajouterais les tips suivants (désolé c'est en anglais, j'ai envoyé ça aux mecs de la vidéo, et j'ai pas envie de traduire) :
- 1) Practice STANDING-UP : practice in the actual position you're gonna be playing when playing live, which is : STANDING UP !!! NOT SITTING ON A COUCH (which will fuck your back anyway) !!!
I find that playing standing up is way more difficult for the most part, and practicing only sitting down makes you handicapped when you have to play live in a standing-up position...
- 2) PASSIVE practice : for everything tedious where you have to play the same boring thing over and over for a long time, day after day, do it while watching a video or listening to a podcast, beacuse that way you will find practice to be enjoyable (instead of resenting it), resulting in practicing way more, and you will disconnect your brain from what you're playing, allowing you to be more efficient when it comes to play your instrument 100% or play your instrument and sing at the same time for instance
- 3) REAL LIVE CONDITIONS practice : practicing at home with a nice setup (a good-sounding ampsim, backing tracks, good headphones, your bedroom at the ideal temperature, with no lack of sleep) is good, but you also need to practice in uncomfortable real conditions, such as in a practice room where you're freezing or sweating like crazy, everything is too loud, and you can barely hear what's going on, and you've had only 3 hours of sleep last night because that's how life is sometimes...
Ch. : Digitech Drop d'occasion