Pour ceux que cela intéresse, je viens de franchir le pas et j'ai décidé de confier à Historic Makeovers une R9 de 2006 achetée directement aux Etats-Unis pour la transformer en réplique de 59 Burst. L'histoire commence juste, l'idée de ce topic étant de montrer les différentes phases du processus, qui va durer jusqu'à l'été…
Voici donc la guitare, il s'agit d'une R9 de 2006:
Et voici la réponse au premier mail adressé à Historic Makeovers:
Our RDS process taske approximately four months. We are available to take guitars right away.
You will be able to follow the process all the way through with a picture gallery we frequently update.
Of course we are also available by email or by phone.
You will feel like your right here while we are working on your guitar.
I have experience with both original PAF pickups as well as all the Boutique clones.
I can recommend pickups as well as other replacement parts for your guitar.
No worries on the color or if you want it NOS or distressed we can take care of that.
Once your deposit is made we set up a folder in our email just for you.
Ship your guitar to the contact address on our site and we will take care of the rest.
Add on parts will be billed separately. Once the guitar is finished in the paint we bill the balance.
There may still be a few weeks left for set up and possible distressing afterward.
Please let me know if I have answered your questions and let me know when your ready to begin.
We have first come first serve with the Brazilian.
La suite dans quelques jours…
En attendant, voici les Historic Makeovers du forum:
La Lemon de Vincenz (plus de photos en page 11):
Et la Gold de Vincenz:
Celle de Bricew84 (tout le processus en photo page 11):
Et la mienne: