Son de Steve Rothery

Rappel du dernier message de la page précédente :
Et celle à gauche de la DS1?
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #61
  • Publié par
    le 09 Juin 2009, 18:44
Une Moollon.

J'ignore laquelle mais je parie sur le tremolo, en comparant avec cette photo :

On voit qu'il a changé la quasi totalité des pédales mais elles servent néanmoins à la même chose.
lemgement lemg
Quand l'inspiration arrive au moment où les autres dorment, c'est pas stupide
A mon avis il emporte ca en tournee pour bricoler sur la route, dans les chambres d'hotel, ou repeter 5 minutes avant de monter sur scene
C'est une des "guitares de voyage" Speedster d'il y a quelques annees...
avec un carte son Line 6 Toneport

Pour revenir à la guitare/basse de Pete, j'ai lu qu'elle a été utilisée à l'époque de Radiation (a few words for the dead, these chains) et .com

Sur faith en fait c'est H qui tient la basse, et la guitare acoustique(une 6 cordes) est jouée par Pete.
xavierjo a écrit :
Pour revenir à la guitare/basse de Pete, j'ai lu qu'elle a été utilisée à l'époque de Radiation (a few words for the dead, these chains) et .com

Sur faith en fait c'est H qui tient la basse, et la guitare acoustique(une 6 cordes) est jouée par Pete.

Si tu es interesse par le matos de tre'was, il y a cette interview qui est tres complete

Pete's Message

Equipment List
My set up is fairly basic and well established. I have become a collector of Bass guitars over the years. I made a conscience decision early on not to get rid of any guitar that came my way. This came about after lending my first real bass guitar, a Fender Mustang, to a friend, who sold it when he was broke. The guitar in question actually belonged to Robin Boult and me - we both won it in a raffle at our local music shop after pooling are meagre finances for a ticket. Since then I have kept hold of nearly every guitar, even the Rickenbacker 4000(mono) I joined the band with.

Ampeg SVT II
This was an amp that we borrowed for the recording of Brave, as Dave Meagan liked the combination of Warwick and Ampeg. I liked the sound so much I made sure that I bought that particular amp. It's still with me but not being used at the moment. I use Peavey 4x12 and 1x15 cabinets with this set up.
Laney DB 300 H
This is an amp that I was using while we were rehearsing down in Oswestry, for the Walls shows. As luck would have it I met the some people who are responsible for distributing Laney and Ibanez at the shows and I now have this set up in the studio powering a 4x10 and a 1x15 cabinet
Laney RBW 300 1x15 combo
This is a lovely little combo and is the amp I used on the .Com tour I used it in conjunction with my Squire Jazz Bass, and found that it was lacking slightly in low end so I also used a Boss Equaliser pedal to boost 80 and 200 Hz. I also boosted the very top end as that is the sort of sound I like to use live - I find it cuts through the guitars and keys a bit better!

I have already said that I have a lot of guitars, and I use most of them at different times for different sounds. I'm a great believer in the theory that every guitar has a best sound. I nearly always use each guitar with all the settings full on, e.g., on my Warwick - although there are boost and cut settings for the active pickups - I always set both to be on full boost. I feel you get more from the guitar that way. The list of guitars bellow is in some order of preference or favouritism.
Warwick JD Thumb bass
I have 2 of these but tend to use the one with EMG pickups. Used on Brave, AOS, & Transatlantic
Washburn semi-acoustic
This was bought second hand for unplugged shows and has also featured on various recorded tracks, including Beautiful
Squire Jazz Bass
I used this on the last tour and on recording for Ben Castle
Yamaha BB 400 Fretless
This is my only fretless guitar, used on Sugar Mice, Afraid Of Sunrise, Interior Lulu and anything else fretlessy
Ibanez SDGR Soundgear
These were very kindly given to me after the Walls show and I used them on the Radiation tour
Squire Precision
Used on Misplaced and found somewhere on most other albums
Fender Precision
Used on No one Can and others
Rickenbacker 4003 Doubleneck
This was used on These Chains, A Few Words for the Dead and others on Radiation; the Radiation tour, and on .Com. Apparently there are only about a dozen of these around!
Rickenbacker 4000
These are the two guitars used on the first EP, and on Script. I came to the band with one and bought the other second-hand so I could change guitars quickly
Aria Pro II
I used to have 3 Aria guitars, and over the years one has been misplaced which is a shame because I suspect that it was the better sounding of the three
Peavey 5 string
I was given a Peavey 5 string guitar a few years ago, with my name inlaid on the fret board, but unfortunately, that has also gone walk about
Takamine 6 string
I have a one of these, with a pre amp and graphic built in. I bought it for acoustic ensembles, and the like, and has been much used. Now She'll Never Know springs to mind
Status Graphite Bass
I bought this for recording Clutching At Straws, and used it for the next few years

I have always used round wound strings in Marillion, and over the years have used various makes. At the moment I use Elite, made for The Bass Centre, and I use standard gauge strings. 45, 65, 85, 105. (I think they're right!)

Effects and other Toys
I use Boss pedals for most of my effects and usually record the guitar going through the effect unit, as my Boss tuner is in line with them. This only changes if we have a particular problem of some sort, i.e. noise. The pedals include: Stereo Chorus, Distortion, Flanger, Graphic EQ, Compressor/Sustain (this is a pedal I use a lot for recording fretless bass, a trick learned from Dave Meegan, works well to get a natural sounding sustain. Afraid Of Sunrise is a good example of this), Digital Delay (interestingly the delay I used on This Strange Engine was the longest delay that particular pedal gives. On tour I used an SPX90 rack unit)
Moog Taurus 1 bass pedals
I have three sets of these in various states of repair, the best sounding two of the three sets are kept in some kind of playable state. You must remember these are as unreliable as anything gets, but can sound great if you find a good one. These have been used all over everything, in the studio, and live. I once had to buy a set in America because the set we took over just stopped working.
Roland PK-5 MIDI Pedals
Theses have been with me since Brave and are invaluable live. They're connected to a Kurzweil K2000 sampler. I used to use them along side the Taurus pedals, but on the last tour, we sampled the Taurus pedals and I only used these.
Lexicon Jam Man
This is a fantastic tool for writing, as you can loop samples or trigger samples or use it as a chorus or delay. I use this a lot in the studio, although it is a bit unfriendly for live work as you cannot store things you sample or any settings for delays

A noter que depuis 2 ans il est passe d'Ibanez a Cort. Je ne connais pas le modele mais le bois est superbe!

Sinon pour steve, j'ai cette photo:


Il utilise donc toujours les rockman chorus delay!
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #73
  • Publié par
    le 10 Juin 2009, 18:02
Le MPX-G2 est toujours calé sur le programme 252, quelle que soit la photo, et ce depuis des années.

D'où la puissante déduction de bibi : il n'utilise qu'un seul programme, ce qui peut éventuellement consister en deux sonorités (une pour la partie pré-préampli, l'autre pour la partie post).

La seule chose que je sais, c'est que c'est un programme perso, puisqu'il n'y a "que" 250" programmes usine.

J'ai bien mon idée sur le morceau où il s'en sert, mais je voudrais être sûr.
Comme je ne possède que la version simple du DVD Marbles on the road, est-ce que ceux qui possèdent la version complète pourrait éventuellement nous dire si le Lexicon tourne pendant This is the 21st century ? L'image Youtube n'est pas assez bonne pour que je m'en rende compte.
lemgement lemg
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #74
  • Publié par
    le 11 Juin 2009, 15:06
Et si on se faisait une petite chronologie ?
Je ne suis pas sûr de certaines dates mais grosso modo on devrait y être et ça donnera une idée de l'évolution de son matériel. (Pensez à agrandir certaines photos en les ouvrant dans un nouvel onglet. )

Il se peut que vous reconnaissiez certaines photos.

Donc, les débuts, ce serait ça, dixit fuzzbox. 1982 donc :

Ensuite, période Fugazi. En 1984 :

En 1985 :

Apparition du rack qui ne le quittera plus. On aborde la période Misplaced Childhood/Clutching at straws, et ça ressemble à ça :

La seconde photo date de 1987. La première doit être antérieure car on note l'absence des modules Rockman.

Et nous arrivons à la période H. Qui voit l'arrivée dans le rack du TC 2290 qui ne le quittera (presque) jamais.

Une capture d'écran du DVD retraçant la première tournée avec Hogarth, soit 1989/1990 :

Il va conserver ce système assez longtemps, au moins une dizaine d'années, avec éventuellement des modifications mineures.

Exemple, en 1994 :

C'est avec Anoraknophobia que ça va changer. Il décide de prendre des mesures drastiques et vire le TC2290, les Marshall, la DS-1, et passe au préampli/ampli de puissance Groove Tubes et au Lexicon MPX-G2 pour la plupart des effets.
Voici des photos prises sur les dates françaises de 2001 :

Problème, le Lexicon manque d'emplacements mémoire pour assurer tous les effets. D'où le retour du TC et de quelques autres vieilleries (DS-1, Dimension C, Boss Octaver...) lors du Marillion weekend de 2003 :

Là, il accumule, et ne se calme pas avec les années.

Tournée Marbles, en 2004 :

Par terre :
_ wah-wah
_ volume
_ pédalier midi
_ une pédale boss blanche, sûrement un accordeur

Les amplis :
_ tête laney
_ roland JC 120
_ baffle 4X12 marshall ou laney selon les cas

En 2005 :

Tournée Somewhere else, en 2007 :

Et la tournée Hapiness is the road, en 2008/2009 :

lemgement lemg
Genial! Il faudrait mettre ce post en premiere page

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