Nouvel album de Satriani en Mars 2006 ???

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1ere review de la tournee que g trouve c prometteur:

"Joe Satriani, House of Blues, Chicago, April 05, 2006

To say that my experience of Joe Satriani’s Super Colossal US Tour was super colossal would certainly be redundant; but it would not be extreme hyperbole.

Eric Johnson was the opener. He and his band were immaculate. Johnson was not a flashy performer but he proved himself as an impressive, versatile, accomplished player. His guitar alternately vibrated, sang, hummed and gently wept its way through rock and roll, country, jazz and every style in between. A fitting ice breaker, Eric topped off his set with his best known piece, “Cliffs of Dover.”

Then it was Joe’s turn.

Out he strutted with his fully-shaved head, dark sunglasses and shiny sneakers. Before he struck a note he was the essence of cool. He knew the audience wanted to hear some rippin’, rockin’, screamin’, turned-up-to-eleven, smokin’ fast and sweet guitar. We could tell by the mischievous, cocky smile on his face that Joe knew he could and would deliver all that and more. He was the very embodiment of a true guitar god come to rock the chosen remnant.

If it’s possible to play guitar swaggeringly Joe Satriani did just that. Whether playing clean or effects-saturated, slow or fast, melodic or spastic, he made it look effortless. It’s possible he was having more fun than the audience, erupting in smiles and nods during solos as his fingers spidered up and down the neck of his guitar with crazy speed and mind-bending precision.

Satch is more than a master of scales and techniques, there’s plenty of heart to his playing and his compositions. His pieces are varied in style, mood, and tempo--each one a perfect backdrop for the solos he crafts. Within the context of a song like “Always With Me, Always With You,” Joe drops in slow and sweet riffs then spins off into fast and frantic runs, always the licks unerringly fitting the song.

Joe’s solos are a kind of language, they are the medium of this artist, and they resonate with passion, thoughtfulness, reverence, excitement, fascination and zeal.

A quick mention of the band--they were perfect compliments to The Man, right there when he needed them every step. They were each gifted players, but there was never a doubt that they were the canvas and Joe was the artist.

Joe blazed his way through a lot of his new album, “Super Colossal.” He loosed the title cut and it was a powerful monster that stalked its way into the skull and gave it a good rocking. He jammed “One Robot’s Dream,” a sneaky, catchy, Jeff Beck-esque piece. He also touched on older stuff like the funky “Cool #9” and the epic “Surfing With the Alien.”

Words like virtuoso and master come to mind when considering a player of Satriani’s caliber. But they’re not very fun words so let’s not use them. Let’s just say he kicked butt. "
"I'm just inspired by everyday life. I find it very wondrous. There is so much to reflect upon, to write about, to dream about, and to hope for."

Joe Satriani
setlist de la tournee:

1) Flying in a Blue Dream 2) The Extremist 3) Redshift Riders 4) Cool #9 5) A Cool New Way 6) Satch Boogie 7) Super Collosal Just Like Lightnin' 9) Ice 9 10) One Robot's Dream 11) Ten Words 12) The Mystical Potatohead Groove Thing 13) The Meaning of Love 14) Circles 15) Made of Tears 16) Always With Me, Always With You 17) Surfing With The Alien ----------- ENCORE: 1 Crowd Chant 19) Summer Song
"I'm just inspired by everyday life. I find it very wondrous. There is so much to reflect upon, to write about, to dream about, and to hope for."

Joe Satriani
Joe Penguin
Oh c'est beau tout ca !! Pourquoi j'ai pas les moyens d'y aller ?

2 micros Tex-Mex (chevalet et manche)
Guitare Electrique WSL White Beauty comme neuve ! 250€
Harry Cover
Jack-Jack a écrit :
Oh c'est beau tout ca !! Pourquoi j'ai les moyens d'y aller ?
Joe Penguin
Oui y'avait un pretit probleme j'ai édité

2 micros Tex-Mex (chevalet et manche)
Guitare Electrique WSL White Beauty comme neuve ! 250€
  • Pixel
  • Special Total utilisateur
  • #605
  • Publié par
    le 19 Avr 2006, 07:45
la review du concert est legerement TROP biaisee pour en etre credible... c'est limite ecoeurant a la longue. Je n'enleve rien aux qualites de Joe sur scene, c'est plus a la facon d'ecrire cette "review" que j'en veux, car tant d'eloges, c'est plus de la pub / propagande qu'une vraie critique..

Nestor666, Tu pourrais nous dire quelle en est la source ?
regarde sur ya des reviews de la tournee c'est la que j'ai trouve ca( et d'ailleurs c'est loin d'etre la seule critique a aller dans ce sens)
"I'm just inspired by everyday life. I find it very wondrous. There is so much to reflect upon, to write about, to dream about, and to hope for."

Joe Satriani
  • Pixel
  • Special Total utilisateur
  • #607
  • Publié par
    le 20 Avr 2006, 06:30
  • Locke
  • Special Supra utilisateur
  • #608
  • Publié par
    le 20 Avr 2006, 15:03
Nestor666 a écrit :
setlist de la tournee:

1) Flying in a Blue Dream 2) The Extremist 3) Redshift Riders 4) Cool #9 5) A Cool New Way 6) Satch Boogie 7) Super Collosal Just Like Lightnin' 9) Ice 9 10) One Robot's Dream 11) Ten Words 12) The Mystical Potatohead Groove Thing 13) The Meaning of Love 14) Circles 15) Made of Tears 16) Always With Me, Always With You 17) Surfing With The Alien ----------- ENCORE: 1 Crowd Chant 19) Summer Song

Jolie setlist mais un petit Up In Flames aurait pas été de trop...
Tant pis, vivement cet été !
un ptit hands in the air tu veux dire, avec les harmoniques sur la rythmik au milieu du morceau miam mia:=))
  • Pixel
  • Special Total utilisateur
  • #610
  • Publié par
    le 21 Avr 2006, 09:00
la setlist c'est en fin de compte des morceaux de super colossal + les morceaux les plus connus des "vieux albums". Rien entre crystal planet et ITLIS inclus...
David Argento
J'avais adoré Is there love in space, un album qui marquait un vrai retour au son metallique des premiers CD. A côté de lui, Super colossal (une drôle d'idée pour un album aussi mou) semble avoir été enregistré sous valium! Non pas qu'il soit mauvais mais bon sang, qu'est-ce qu'il manque de pêche et de fraîcheur. Je ne sais pas dans quelle direction se dirige Satriani mais ça commence à devenir vraiment lourd et vieillot...
la setlist pour cette tournee:

Flying In A Blue Dream
The Extremist
Red shift Riders
Cool #9
A Cool New Way
Satch Boogie
Super Colossal
Just Like Lighting
Ice Nine
One Robots Dream
Mystical Potatohead Groove Thing
The Meaning Of Love
Made Of Tears
Always With You, Always With Me
Surfing With The Alien
Crowd Chant
Summer Song
Goin' Down avec eric johnson
Red House avec eric johnson

Eric Johnson
Summer Jam
My Back Page
Manic Depression
On The Way To Love
Good To Me
Morning Sun
A little Bit Me, A Little Bit You
Cliffs Of Dover

g un bootleg de la tournee ca s'annonce magnifiquement bien:=)
"I'm just inspired by everyday life. I find it very wondrous. There is so much to reflect upon, to write about, to dream about, and to hope for."

Joe Satriani
guitar zero
et hop !!! DVD sorti hier et c'est tout bon ...
Bon les mauvaises langues diront que l'on a encore droit à une version des satch boogie et de always with me...

Dave la rue est excellent (quel groove !), Satriani se lache plus que d'habitude sur scène mais est toujours parfait

Highlights : a cool new way, ice 9, the meaning of love, circles, Crowd chant (vraiment fun)
par contre je n'ai pas encore vu les bonus
degoute le dvd es dispo depuis hier a la fnac et ils m'ont tjr pa envoye de mail disant que c'est parti arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
je comprend pas trop les reproches qu'on fait a la setlist, certes ya des morceaux qui sont joues depuis toujours mais bon sur les 19 titres y a quand meme 9 extraits de super colossal, ya peu de groupes qui osent ce genre de trucs sur scene...

En ce moment sur groupes / artistes pros...