bluesaddict a écrit :
le fait d'avoir soutenu le patriot act au début ne fait pas de Neil Young un réac. Bon nombre d'artistes opposés à la guerre en Irak avaient soutenu la guerre en Afghanistan.
un extrait d'article sur ce sujet :
Indeed, in the aftermath of the al-Qa'ida attacks on the US of 11 September 2001, it seemed that Young had taken the side with the President and supported the steps he was taking in the so-called "war on terror".
Having written a song, "Let's Roll", to honour the passengers on board United Airlines' Flight 93 who apparently fought with the hijackers and forced the plane to crash-land in rural Pennsylvania rather than letting them use it to target the White House, he announced his support for the Patriot Act. The Act, which gave law-enforcement bodies a whole range of new powers, was condemned by many campaigners as an assault on civil liberties. Young said at the time he thought the legislation was necessary.
Speaking at an awards banquet in Hollywood where he had received the Spirit of Liberty award by the liberal campaign group People for the American Way, Young announced: "To protect our freedoms it seems we're going to have to relinquish some of our freedoms for a short period of time."
le lien vers l'article complet au sujet du nouvel album :
De là à dire que c'est une chanson pro-bush...c'est un raccourci facile je trouve.
Enfin, une fois de plus on parle plus de blabla que de musique, revenons donc à la musique et comme le dit si bien ivguenyp cessons ce débat.
Suis-je donc le seul à avoir acheter le dernier album?
Qu'en pensez vous, bon album ou il aurait pu s'en passer?
Les choeurs, bonne idée / pas rock' n roll?
Et la trompette, le fait qu'il n'y'est pas de solos?
Bref vos avis sur "Living with War"...