jefff73 a écrit :
Putain y'en a marre .... a cause de ceretaines personnes ont pass encore pour des debiles ...
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June 29, 2004
(Park Des Expositions, Le Mans, France) Metalheads in France bombarded the stage with miscellaneous projectiles including bottles causing SLIPKNOT to cut their set short. The show that was scheduled to last 90 minutes ended after only 48 minutes.
As reported by Olivier Rouhet of Rock Hard France: “Headlining the last day of the Fury Fest Festival in Le Mans (France), SLIPKNOT had to endure the hostility of French so-called music 'fans'. Before going on stage, a majority of the audience (hardcore and black/death metal fans) organized themselves in order to sabotage the SLIPKNOT show. It started before the band went onstage with a non-stop 'SLIPKNOT, enculé' (Translation: SLIPKNOT, f*ckers).”
"The rumors provoking the furor were that SLIPKNOT had a very long sound check in the morning (this is true) but nobody can believe that this was a spontaneous move. The people there had planned to ruin the SLIPKNOT show: a real silly move. If you don't agree with SLIPKNOT, the best way is to leave the festival. By provoking violence, the fans have given France a bad name.”
"To sum up everything, let's say that it's everybody's right to dislike SLIPKNOT, but it's a shame to ruin a show, for the band and the fans, and the best way to show his dislike is to boycott.."
Bah on passe pour quoi d'habitude ? Moi je n'ai pas vu le show de Slipknot, je m'en foutais, mais faut avouer que les fucks ils les ont bien cherché en foutant leur merde tout le dimanche. DE PLUS Rouhet n'était pas au Fury, c'est un autre mec de Rock Hard qui y était. Blabbermouth a reproduit tout ça....
Sur le site de MCM ya les slpiknoteux qui réarrangent tout à leur sauce, ce sont de pauvres victimes innocentes.... Pauvres chous va !
Sinon super fest, on a vu des purs groupes !!!