erkki a écrit :
Bon la j'ai envoyer un mail à ishibashi à propos du mode de paiement et si ils pouvaient m'avoir la guitare un peu plus rapidement, et ils m'ont répondu:
"Since the Jackson Stars is closed time now, I will check the delivery time
Your order is firm, the next is payment.
We accept payment by a credit card and bank wire.
If you use your credit card for your payment,
we could accept a VISA, Master or AMEX card.
When you place an order, please advise me of the following information by e-mail:
1. Your name,
2. Address,
3. Phone number,
4. Holders name of your card,
5. Expire data of the card.
( Do not enter your card number for security of your card. )
We have our SSL site for sending credit card number with security.
Please go to the following----
(* Please ignore the box at the bottom right next to the "Click")
If you settle payment by bank wire, bank wire fee 3,000 Yen will be added to
the total.
Here is the bank information.
Bank name: The Mitsubishi-Tokyo-UFJ bank
Branch name: Kanda Branch
Bank address: 2-5-1, Kanda Ogawa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0052
Our account number: 184101
Account name: Ishibashi Music corporation
Swift code: "BOTK JP JT"
We only accept payment by JPY.
Please let me know when you transfer the bills.
I have to confirm it at our bank."
Bon je comprend l'anglais mais là je suis perdu, il y a plein de truc je m'enmêle, pour ceux qui ont déjà commander pouvez vous me rappeler les manipulations à faire car il me demande de leur envoyer par mail mes informations, mais ils m'envoyent aussi une page web pour commander :s... help me!!
"Holders name", c'est le nom du propriétaire qui est inscrit sur la carte?