rené alleau,
alchimie, préface (excellente) de michel bounan
jean de roquetaillade (en italien, giovanni da rupescissa)
Il volume,
alchemico, rinascimentale, magico, iniziatico, prende spunto dal ritrovamento, presso l'archivio urbinate della famiglia Ubaldini, della più antica versione del manoscritto del "Liber lucis", disteso dal frate francese Giovanni da Rupescissa intorno alla metà del XIV secolo e costruisce una sorta di affascinante "manuale del mago". Vero e proprio trattato di alchimia, il manoscritto, riprodotto integralmente e trascritto sia nel testo latino che nella traduzione italiana, contiene ricette e appunti di alchimia mirati a svelare il segreto della fabbricazione della pietra filosofale.
Leah DeVun,
Prophecy, Alchemy, and the End of Time : John of Rupescissa in the Late Middle Ages
In the middle of the fourteenth century, the Franciscan friar John of Rupescissa sent a dramatic warning to his followers: the last days were coming; the apocalypse was near. Deemed insane by the Christian church, Rupescissa had spent more than a decade confined to prisons--in one case wrapped in chains and locked under a staircase--yet ill treatment could not silence the friar's apocalyptic message.
Religious figures who preached the end times were hardly rare in the late Middle Ages, but Rupescissa's teachings were unique. He claimed that knowledge of the natural world, and alchemy in particular, could act as a defense against the plagues and wars of the last days. His melding of apocalyptic prophecy and quasi-scientific inquiry gave rise to a new genre of alchemical writing and a novel cosmology of heaven and earth. Most important, the friar's research represented a remarkable convergence between science and religion.
In order to understand scientific knowledge today, Leah DeVun asks that we revisit Rupescissa's life and the critical events of his age--the Black Death, the Hundred Years' War, the Avignon Papacy--through his eyes. Rupescissa treated alchemy as medicine (his work was the conceptual forerunner of pharmacology) and represented the emerging technologies and views that sought to combat famine, plague, religious persecution, and war. The advances he pioneered, along with the exciting strides made by his contemporaries, shed critical light on later developments in medicine, pharmacology, and chemistry.
andrea aromatico,
andré breton,
l'art magique (la peinture de jérôme bosch est parsemée de références à l'alchimie)
john chambers,
The metaphysical world of Isaac Newton : alchemy, prophecy and the search of the lost knowledge
"si l'on savait comment j'ai fait mes découvertes, on me prendrait pour un fou." - isaac newton
l'or du temps