Maxcreed a écrit :
Je me débrouille pourtant pas mal en anglais mais je comprends pas trop le message :
Since I have everything here in England, I do not think it is an option for you, the amp collect personally here. Perhaps only if you are by chance here in England, or perhaps have a friend here who could buy them on your behalf.
(en gros je comprends qu'il vend en main propre)
So the sale price also includes the cost of shipping to your home address. Delivery is by DHL and takes about 2 to 3 days. If you notice upon receipt, that you do not like it, you can send it back.
(finalement il envoie...)
If you decide to buy it the deal goes strictly by eBay rules and policies. To start the official transaction, you have to give me your name and address (for the invoice that I know where it is to be sent). Once I have all the data, I start the official procedure, and eBay will send you all the necessary information and guidelines. You have to deposit the money on the eBay business account to receive it.
(quelqu'un connaît ce procédé ?)
Doit me prendre pour un jambon...
Je lui demande tout de même son pseudo sur la bay !
Je ai eu le même genre de merde il y 7 ou 8 ans...le gars avait même monté un faux site pour suivre le tracking...hallucinant.....même les gars de DGCCI (je sais plus trop le nom exact) avaient admis que le scammer avait été loin dans le détails........