JULIUS © a écrit :
TROUVE : "the cream board is much brighter, with livelier treble, than the green board." BillM aka BillAudio
en effet Julius
"Like many Fender amplifiers (particularly in the Hot Rod series), many limited edition versions of the Blues Junior have been manufactured since its introduction in 1995. The original circuit board underwent a major redesign in 2001, when production moved from the US to Mexico. The earlier circuit boards are green in color and are noted for a "darker," more bass-inflected tone. Many green board models have excessive noise in the reverb circuit, as the signal is inserted into the reverb after the master volume. The later circuit boards are cream or tan colored and sound "brighter" or more treble-oriented, with the reverb situated before the Master volume."
je dirais personnellement plus ouvert, je te remets le clip tonitruant du comparo tolex / tweed (je soupçonne également le tolex du clip d'être un Green board, le gars l'a depuis des lustres, dans le cas contraire tu as au moins la différence des HP livrés avec la machine, tant
"It may take talent to play fast, but it takes SOUL to slow down and say something....."
“What the guitar does not produce
cannot be supplemented electrically.”
– Yasuhiko Iwanade, The Beauty of the Burst