Hello Tony:
I hope you find the attached Overview a useful introduction to our software.
Your MP-1 must have EPROM version 2.00 or later installed for successful operation with MIDIWizard. Any EPROM version prior to 2.00 does not recognize MIDI System Exclusive messages used to perform system backup and restore, program backup and restore, and real-time updating of program parameters. EPROM updates are occasionally auctioned on EBay.
If you have not already done so, please let us know which version of Windows you are using, what EPROM version is installed in your MP-1, and how you will attach your MP-1 to your computer. The EPROM version is displayed during your MP-1's power up procedure.
Examples of how you attach your MP-1 to your computer are:
1. With a special cable that adapts the gameport to MIDI In and MIDI Out connections
2. Using the USB port, a software driver, and an external box that adapts USB to MIDI In and MIDI Out connections (let us know the external box manufacturer).
Although MIDIWizard works with any combination of Windows / MIDI hardware interface, the above information is useful for support purposes should you experience difficulties using MIDIWizard.
Attached is a Microsoft Word document giving an overview of our MIDIWizard software and details of the MP-1 interface.
MIDIWizard is a PC-based MP-1 interface that runs under any version of Windows 98 or later and provides several features:
1. System backups retrieved from the MP-1 are verified error-free.
2. We handhold you through the steps of sending a system backup to your
MP-1 should you ever need to restore its memory.
3. Programs can be individually backed up to separate files. These files,
or other files containing programs downloaded from the Internet, can be
used to restore or update any of your MP-1 programs.
4. A "Modify Program" feature lets you change program parameters in real-time
on your computer rather than fiddling with the MP-1 buttons.
5. A WWW Resources feature provides easy access to various Internet web sites
pertinent to the MP-1.
6. A variety of utilities useful to MIDI hackers and those interested in
learning about MIDI message formats.
Best Regards,
Graham Pearson
White Horse Software
Fredericksburg, Texas, USA
Voici le mail réponse du vendeur sur ebay qui est apparement le concepteur du software ...
Je ne sais pas si l'on peu faire confience, il vend son soft 22$ par paypal.