J'ai ouvert ma boite à tubes pour faire une photo.
A gauche une JJ, à droite une "vraie" Telefunken d'époque.
Ces Telefunken dont tu as posté le lien ne sont rien d'autres que des JJ "rebadgées" et sélectionnées qui ont suivi un traitement cryogénique.
http://www.telefunken-elektroa(...)ubes/ (Voir l'onglet FAC de la page)
"The TELEFUNKEN Black Diamond Series tubes are built in the JJ Electronic Factory in Eastern Europe based on their existing models. The Black Diamond Series tubes go through an extensive multi-tier testing and quality control process, as well as a cryogenic treatment in the USA to ensure they are the best representation of European made tubes. Each vacuum tube is burned in for 24 hours, tested for all critical parameters, cryogenically treated, and tested a final time. TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik guarantees this by branding them with the legendary diamond logo."
"Yesterday today was tomorrow and tomorrow today will be yesterday"