tiens j'ai envoyé un mail à Pete Cornish, car les Duplex avait disparu du site. Vu les délais je me suis dis si j'arrive à mettre 100€ de côté chaque mois; y a ptet moyen.
Dear Guillaume,
The Duplex pedals are no longer available:
The fixed routing order of the Duplexes has been a limiting factor in effects chains and single pedals offer a much greater flexibility.
Our current Grey Series pedals continue as our standard production range.
We are adding a range of Battery Free Pedals in smaller Black enclosures which will be the same price as the Grey series.
These pedals have exactly the same circuitry and performance of the current range of pedals. The size reduction to 145 X 95 X 49mm is entirely due to the removal of the internal battery and placing all connectors at the back of the pedal. It is essential to power these units with a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus or separate isolated 9vdc power supplies.
Both versions are on an approximately six month delivery schedule so if you wish to be added to my order list please advise exactly which items you wish to order and add your delivery address and contact telephone number so we have these details attached to your order.
Best Wishes,
Pete Cornish.
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