- #8
- Publié par
shaggy le 24 Mar 2004, 09:41
la jim dunlop gcb95F si je ne m'abuse c'est la cry baby Fasel
tiré du site Jim Dunlop
"When you think about the classic wah-wah sounds of the 60s, you think about British bluesmen and psychedelic American rockers, not Italy. But those Sunshine-y and Foxey tones could not have existed without the Italian-made Fasel inductors that were in the first wah pedals—including the original Crybaby. These inductors were the key to the pedals’ tone, but have been unavailable for years. Not anymore. Your Crybaby Classic with Fasel Inside will faithfully recreate the vocal sweep and lush harmonics from those timeless recordings. Plug in your Crybaby Classic and hear what you’ve been missing."
en fait cette pedale possede un inducteur different de la GCB-95 ... ce qui donne ce fameux son wah "Italienne"