bon pour le digitech pas besoin de boucle sur ton amplis voila les infos du manuel
Amp/Cabinet Bypass You can also turn off the internal amps and cabinets for all the presets in the RP1000. This is really useful when you just want to add effects processing to your own core amplifier sound. So basically the RP1000 becomes a straight multi-effects box when you do this, and only Wah, Com- pressor, Distortion, Equalizer, Noise Gate, Chorus/FX, Delay, and Reverb are used. To bypass amp/cabinet modeling in all presets, press the Amp/Cabinet Bypass button. When that button is lit, amp/cabinet modeling is bypassed in all presets. You can use amp/cabinet bypass in Preset or Pedalboard mode
pour les multi sans modulation je dirais TC electronic mais pas de sortie USB attend un peut et pay toi un carte son externe .