Vous avez une Washburn N4 ?...une N2 ?? bah Montrez-la !

Forum Washburn
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  • nuno31
  • Special Supra utilisateur
hum certes mon cher sleazy mais je parlais de la finition niveau materiel quoi... sinon oui il y a beaucoup d'erreur sur les pdf de washburn apres il me semble que la N2 d'epoque etait japonaise non? (1994/95) enfin bon, sinon SLEAZY TU VEUX PAS pOSTER DES pHOTOS DE TON BILL (ton vrai!) vue de dessous et dessus, surtout dessous pour voir comment il est non? tu veux pas ou quelqu'un d'autres sinon???
Un grand homme est celui qui ne perd pas son coeur d'enfant
  • Sle@zy
  • Vintage Total utilisateur
nuno31 a écrit :
(...) apres il me semble que la N2 d'epoque etait japonaise non? (1994/95) enfin bon, sinon SLEAZY TU VEUX PAS pOSTER DES pHOTOS DE TON BILL (ton vrai!) vue de dessous et dessus, surtout dessous pour voir comment il est non? tu veux pas ou quelqu'un d'autres sinon???

Tu devrais lire plus attentivement (mes) posts ....
Va jetez un oeil en page 1 , il y a un sommaire tout neuf, tout beau ;-)
...... mais personne ne semble avoir remarquer que j'en avait parlé 2 pages auparavant ! .... ça vaut le coup de se casser le c** dis donc !
Hey?!.... Envie de parler de la N4 ?...
  • T0m_
  • Custom Top utilisateur
  • #542
  • Publié par
    le 07 Fév 2006, 23:45
OMG Sleazy super collec!
Pas trop dur de choisir avant une répet humm?
En tout cas bravo, belle série d'amantes (à 6 cordes bien sur) on sent le passionné!
Posté le: 03 Fév 06, 12:07 pm Vous avez une Washburn N4 ?...une N2 ?? bah Montrez-la !


... La N4 Padouk " Originale " de 1993 est à saisir !
Dommage que la touche ebène soit fissurée/Craquelée et que la guitare n'ai pas été entretenue .....
Le Floyd notamment et le sillet sont bien rouillés !
Mais ça reste une belle affaire , pour peu que le vendeur accepte de l'envoyer en Europe

La " Davies" par contre ...
n'en EST PAS UNE !! .... et à près de 2000 €, ça donne à réfléchir ( surtout vu sa tronche !...on a l' impression qu'ils ont " collé " une 2nde partie en aulne pour terminer la gratte ! Roooh le méchant )
PRS Custom 22 10-Top & Birds " Emerald Green Faded " :

Hopefully my English can be understood...

With regards to the comment above about the Davies handmade guitar "NOT" being an original...It is indeed an original and i can substanciate this...
..The serial No:9202026 ..indicates that 92=1992- 02=February- 026=the 26th guitar of a batch of 50 from the first 1000 odd guitars that Steven Davies made for Washburn in his Seattle-Washington workshop by a staff team of around 12 men.
I can also confirm the guitar is one of the original Davies-handmade In The USA because I have one of only 6 black N4s made by Steven Davies and the seial no of my guitar-9202017...making the 17th guitar of the batch of 50 Davies made...9 guitars infront of the N4 you said was not an original!

Finally...the main reason for being able to substanciate these claims is the fact that after many emails to Washburn who could not find any evidence of my guitar in their records,other than it being an American 1992 model...I emailed Steven Davies himself,who conclude that my guitar was made(like the one you mention above)in his workshop in February 1992 and it was Steven who confirmed that it was one of his and infact an "ORIGINAL" guitar...and yes they did start making them in 1991 with the through neck locking nuts prior to mine.

here is my guitar...



Please if you're going to reply,make it in English as I don't speak French.

  • Sle@zy
  • Vintage Total utilisateur
tweeky a écrit :
( ...) With regards to the comment above about the Davies handmade guitar "NOT" being an original...It is indeed an original and i can substanciate this...

Hi Tweeky, and welcome to this French N4-addict Forum ! ;-)
Sorry for my poor English , but , we’ll try anyway to discuss this as this should be discussed !
In fact , I was “ waiting” for you ! D***** informed me that he was contacted by a N4 enthusiast from the US ! :-)
...But you seem to be rather from UK
First of all, let me tell you that … the 9202026 is NOT a N4 Davies !
This is the same answer I gave to D***** , the guy who put this N4 for sell on eBay .
I will try to explain you why this is NOT a Davies ….

tweeky a écrit :
..The serial No:9202026 ..indicates that 92=1992- 02=February- 026=the 26th guitar of a batch of 50 from the first 1000 odd guitars that Steven Davies made for Washburn in his Seattle-Washington workshop by a staff team of around 12 men.

Humm…. I really think you are wrong here, and this is the key thing :
026= this just means that this is the n-th N4 made in February , taking into account ALL the different “ finish “ N4. Stephen Davies never communicated about unspecified “ batch of 50 …”

tweeky a écrit :
I can also confirm the guitar is one of the original Davies-handmade In The USA because I have one of only 6 black N4s made by Steven Davies and the seial no of my guitar-9202017...making the 17th guitar of the batch of 50 Davies made...9 guitars infront of the N4 you said was not an original!

I know that Stephen Davies made a very limited run of Black N4 in early 1992 , but that’s totally independent from the fact that he may have done any others N4 “ Davies “ in 1992 as what you explained about the serial is , in my opinion, once again, wrong !…

tweeky a écrit :
Finally...the main reason for being able to substanciate these claims is the fact that after many emails to Washburn who could not find any evidence of my guitar in their records,other than it being an American 1992 model...I emailed Steven Davies himself,who conclude that my guitar was made(like the one you mention above)in his workshop in February 1992 and it was Steven who confirmed that it was one of his and infact an "ORIGINAL" guitar...and yes they did start making them in 1991 with the through neck locking nuts prior to mine(...)

Stephen is NOT IN THE BUSINESS ANYMORE since a long time ! Probably since 1998 ( i remember a review on a "GFTPM" US magazine of one of his last guitar made, a " Stephen's " )....
His web-site is not really full of " interesting" informations about the N4.... :-( ...and i am not sure that the contact address email that is given is the Stephen's one ....
I will be glad if you could send me his email address as you sent It to Daryll ;-)
It would be an interesting thing to have the Stephen confirmation .
I agree with you to say that the Washburn Customer service is a piece of crap ! They were unable to give me any good information about the 1994 Limited Run Korina ! That was the same thing about the Davies …..
One thing is sure : Washburn contracted Stephen Davies, to make the first series N4’s that were made back in 90-91, because They didn’t even have a plant in the USA to make these guitars at the time . So if you have one of these and notice that they are made a “ little” differently and play a little better, now you know , they were not even made by Washburn

So , why Do I think that the N4 on eBay is not, I mean … a so called N4 “ Davies “ ?:

_ 1. The Neck is different than the N4 Davies one , especially the “ Stephen Extended Cutaway “ Junction “
_ 2. Not the same electronics covers
_ 3. The Body shape is slightly different
_ 4. No Kahler Tremolo , no Kahler Nut ( and no thru holes on the neck )
_ 5. No Gotoh mechanics (although some Davies were manufactured with “Washburn “ mechanics !)
_ 6. The very very early Davies were made of 1 Alder piece body , they became more than rare! (I’ve been told that Nuno has them almost “ all” ! )
But , believe me, I have never seen any Davies before with such an " ugly " ( personal taste ! ) 2 piece body as the N4 on eBay !…
_ 7. On the N4-Davies, the “ Stephen Extended Cutaway is identified with the label “ US and For Pats Pending ….” You know what I mean ? This is very explicit ! On the others N4 , as the agreement (“ Patent “ ) was received by Washburn, the label is as the one who could read on the eBay N4 :
” Patent Nos - ***** - ***** “ …..

The N4 actually listed on eBay is , totally similar to a Mass-Produced Washburn N4 ! Without exception !!
To sum up a little bit the things, I would say that , if the so called N4 Davies on ebay is a …real N4 Davies, well… so this is in fact a “ False-True” N4 Davies made exactly as a ….. post-91 N4 was made !

I hope to hear from you soon Tweeky
Now, for me , it's time to ....sleep !!
Hey?!.... Envie de parler de la N4 ?...
  • b0mber
  • Special Total utilisateur
Je viens de jetter un oeil sur leur site.
Ce sont les rois de la copie ces gens là

Et pour info tu l'as payée combien ta N2 Drunkmaster??
P'tain j'ai vraiment plus de mèmoire moi!! Déjà elle est pas de 2001 mais 1999!! Et je pense qu'à l'époque je l'ai payée dans les 450 Euros (3000 francs à l'époque). Mais c'était plus trop la mode de la N2 d'ailleurs c'était la dernière du magasin!

Je crois que ce modèle était assemblé main aux US mais avec des pièces fabriquées en corée. (ou l'inverse)

En tout cas je l'aime bien, je l'avais un p'tit peu laissé de côté parce que mon style de musique avait beaucoup évolué (à l'époque j'étais très branché Hard et aujourd'hui je suis retourné au blues/rock 70's). Mais aujourd'hui je la ressort volontié, même sur du bon vieux blues ça le fait bien. Ce que j'adore dans ce modèle c'est la position du sélecteur micro, il est vraiment placé là ou il faut (pas comme sur ma Les Paul où c'est tellement merdique que finalement j'y touche plus!!). J'ai souvent pensé à la customiser mais là je pense que je vais vous faire hurler:
Virer le Floyd pour y mettre quelque chose de plus classique, virer du coup le bloc corde, mettre un potard de tone!!
Bè perso je m'attendais à autre chose concernant la N4 Black Davies ...

J'aime pas trop ce laquage ... on voit meme pas le veinage du bois rien, dans le style de mon ancienne strato ... le genre de truc qui etouffe bien le son ... space. Du coup ça donne une impression de cheap ... y a eu que 6 modèles ... et bè.

Tiens, funky music fait une belle concurrence à Boogie Street


Superbe prix (1379$) pour une toute nouvelle N4 Padouk: enfin les photos sont pas terrible du tout. La touche en ébène ? on dirait du rosewood sur la photo ... y a plus d'ébène noir sur cette planete ? :-)

Presque 400$ en moins que boogie street. N'oubliez pas la douane et les frais d'envois.

Voodoo Hendrix
drunkmaster a écrit :
Et ça alors???


J'suis mort de rire parceque j'ai une LP greco de 83 et une N2 de 2001

Logo à la Gibson style, stephen's extented cutaway, bill lawrence, seymour duncan '59... C'est quoi ce machin?

Quelqu'un sait-il ce que ça vaut, autant côté prix, que côté guitare?

C'est vrai que dans le genre "je pompe chez les autres"...
recherche N3 ou N4
C'est fabriqué aux US et vendu au japon, ça ne m'étonnerais pas que ce soit des washburn mais vendu sous le nom de Greco!! Quand kiss joué sur washburn il joué aussi sur greco au Japon:

Mais bon on s'égare là!!!

220,000 Yen Soit environ 1500 Euros!!!
Voodoo Hendrix
Sle@zy a écrit :
nuno_fan a écrit :
( ...) très ressemblante à la Davies, enfin, en photos quoi.
Vibrato Kahler et mecaniques Gotoh en moins.

C'est plus que flagrant que ce n'est PAS une Davies ( Jonction corps/manche ; Mecaniques, sillet, Vibrato, corps en aulne en 2 (??) partie au moins, ...cavités " electoniques " ..... )

Excuse moi Sleazy mais j'ai pas trop compris un truc (j'ai cherché sur la première page que tu as modifié pour voir si je trouvais l'info, mais j'ai pas obtenu ce que je voulais).

Mis à part le fait que la N4 Davies à un profil de manche différent de la N4 "standard" je ne vois pas la différence entre les deux concernant la jonction corps/manche. Pourrais-tu m'expliquer s'il te plaît. Merci
recherche N3 ou N4
  • Sle@zy
  • Vintage Total utilisateur
Pour faire suite à ce qui a été écrit en page 55 à propos de la « Vraie/Fausse N4 « Davies » actuellement en vente sur eBay :

…et après en avoir eu confirmation de la part de Stephen Davies lui même, voilà ce qu’ il en ressort :

Tweeky, I finally got an answer from Stephen Himlself ( Thanks D****l ! ;-)
and ….we were both right and …wrong !! :-)

His email just comes to confirm what i thought and what i wrote before;

The N4 on eBay is a N4 made by Davies, right ( although for another reason not related to the serial number sequence ! ) , but a " special " one as it is " a transitional model built with parts supplied by Washburn " ! and , for this reason, this so-called N4-Davies, do NOT feature all the usual spécifications of a " real " N4 Davies !

Here is the Stephen email in his complete form :

This guitar is a model that was built by us, but it is a transitional model built with parts supplied by Washburn. You are correct that it is a 92 - February 92 to be precise. This was when Washburn was about to break the contract with us to produce the N4 and to start producing them themselves in their own (and first) US production facility, then headed by Grover Jackson.

At this point they were producing raw necks and bodies, but were unable to finish & assemble them. They were shipping them to us to complete them, assemble them and set them up. You have already noticed the cover plates on the back which are in fact different than the plates on the necks and bodies we produced. Also, note the truss rod nut is different than ours, which was a more traditional Fender-style nut.
We got a couple hundred of these necks and bodies. We finished some machining on them, stamped the serial numbers (note the uneven impression depths of the numbers- we were hand-stamping them, which is one reason I know we built this particular instrument), completed the fret work and dressing, applied finish to the neck (nitrocellulose lacquer) and body (tung oil), and assembled, wired, and set up the instrument.
The fact that we finished the instrument, dressed the frets and set it up is why it plays so much better than the later models you have. The necks and bodies Grover built were fine, though slightly different in some respects than our own, and there is no lack of quality in the components themselves. (Grover had a well deserved reputation for quality instruments long before he went to Washburn). What sets this instrument apart from later Washburn models was the fact that it was assembled and built by myself and my small crew of trained luthiers.
Even though I'm no longer in the guitar business, I still play quite a lot and I always enjoy hearing from other players that enjoy their guitars as much as I enjoy mine!
Steve Davies


My final words: The so-called N4-Davies on eBay is probably one of the last N4 made by the Stephen Crew and …. Definitely too , in my opinion of course !.... one of its least “ successful “ achievements !!... maybe also because " This was made when Washburn was about to break the contract with S.Davies to produce the N4 and to start producing them themselves " ? ;-)
Very interesting However !
Hey?!.... Envie de parler de la N4 ?...
  • Sle@zy
  • Vintage Total utilisateur
Voodoo Hendrix a écrit :
(...) Excuse moi Sleazy mais j'ai pas trop compris un truc (j'ai cherché sur la première page que tu as modifié pour voir si je trouvais l'info, mais j'ai pas obtenu ce que je voulais).

Mis à part le fait que la N4 Davies à un profil de manche différent de la N4 "standard" je ne vois pas la différence entre les deux concernant la jonction corps/manche. Pourrais-tu m'expliquer s'il te plaît. Merci

...va zieuter un oeil en page 55 ! ;-)
( pense à une recherche dans la section achat /vente également !
Hey?!.... Envie de parler de la N4 ?...
Magnifique toute cette description détaillée, ce qui confirme bien qu'elle n'a pas été faite par Stephen Davies, mais juste terminée d'après ce que je comprends ...

A voir la découpe du corps, ça dénote complètement avec le reste de la gratte, vraiment dommage.

En ce moment sur guitare électrique et Washburn...