G3 2004 - EUROPE
Below are early dates for the European G3 Tour with Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and Robert Fripp. Dates and venues are still being confirmed, so check back often for updates and additional dates!
JUNE 2004
13 June: Arrow Rock Festival, Holland
14-20 June: TBA
22 June: Manchester, UK
23 June: Glascow, UK
25 June: Newcastle, UK
26 June: Birmingham, UK
27 June: Bournemouth, UK
28 June: Nottingham, UK
29 June: London, UK
30 June: TBA
JULY 2004
1 July: Paris, France
2 July: TBA
3-4 July: Spain (Madrid and Barcelona, TBA)
5 July: TBA
6-8 July: Italy TBA