dabruishean a écrit :
Hello je post par le biais du compte d'un amis.
Alors je possède une Gibson sg :70398165 made in usa
Et une fender stratocaster made in usa également dont le numéros de série est N7237874
Si quelqu'un peut dater ces deux grattes ca serait cool merci
La SG:
Your guitar was made at the
Kalamazoo Plant, USA
February 8th, 1978
Production Number: 165
By tom hetfield with joey hart for the neck, some help of suzan sheppard for the neck pick up, finished by kim wang because Tom was on holiday at Seattle with his wife and his son Jason who loves chocolate.
La strat':
Your guitar was made at the
Corona Plant (Fender), USA
in the Year(s): 1997 - 1998
By.......Tom hetfield, yes he moved to Fender, what a fucker, to prefer the poplar and the adler to mahiogany and rosewood. More it has been finished by his son Jason because...he left to Montreal on holydays but without his son this time