PiPiRoSe a écrit :
j ai recu une reponse a l instant de chez bc rich , voila ce que j ai recu :
The "BC" indicates it was made in what is known as the Class Axe era. Sometime between 1989 -1993. During those years, there was a lot of confusion going on with the serial numbers. They were either unreadable or meant nothing at all. They were just numbers tied to the guitar itself. I can't say for sure where it was made, but I'd be willing to bet it was either China or Korea. They had stickers on the back of the head stock. As you can imagine, after 20+ years most stickers have fallen off.
I know it's not much, but hopefully this gives you some insights.
Elles avaient un petit autocollant derrière la tête, mais je te confirme que c'est une MADE IN JAPAN des débuts 90 (entre 93 et 95). Et oui ne pas se fier aux N/S des BC RICH import ni des USA de l'ère Class Axe.
Seules les custom shop étaient répertoriées dans un cahier par Bernie Rico qui les a transmis ensuite aux futurs proprio de la marque...