«Death is an inevitability, isn't it ?
You become more aware of that when you get to my age.
I don't worry about it.
I'm ready for it.
When I go, I want to go doing what I do best.
If I died tomorrow, I couldn't complain. It's been good.
Listen honey, if you didn't do anything that wasn't good for you, it would be a very dull life.
What are you gonna do ?
Everything that is pleasant in life is dangerous.
Have you noticed that ?
I'd like to find the bastard that thought that one up.
This is me.
What you see is what you get.
If people don't like me or what I have to say, then fuck 'em.
And that's my final word.» Ian Fraser Kilmister.
«Wir leben unter finsteren Himmeln, und –es gibt wenig Menschen. Darum gibt es wohl auch so wenig Gedichte. Die Hoffnungen, die ich noch habe, sind nicht groß. Ich versuche, mir das mir Verbliebene zu erhalten. »
Paul Celan, 18 mai 1960, Lettre à Hans Bender.