raafa a écrit :
J’ignorais qu’il était aussi imprégné de ça. Weikath et Deris aussi sont croyants et il y a quelques chansons dans Helloween qui le prouvent ("Hey Lord", "Lavdate Donimvm"...) mais pas autant que Kiske visiblement d'après ce que tu rapportes.
Hansen, c'est l'inverse. Il est plutôt opposé à tout ça.
ah je pensais le contraire pour Kai, à cause de la chanson "pray"...
si jamais t'as du temps à perdre va lire ses interviews sur son site si tu comprends l'anglais...
je te mets des passages :
Interviewer : From some years onwards Michi seems to be a very religious person. My question is… had you always been a very religious person or did you experience any bad personal situation that made you approach to religion in a special way?
Michi : I always was, but as you grow older and change or have unpleasant experiences, you learn. And especially since Anthroposophy it has become much, much more important to my life. In the end music is nothing material, it's spirit, so the more spiritual you become, the better your songs can be. Materialism is just another word for a horrible superficiality of the soul; and the less superficial we are, the better our art will be.
la il explique qu'il a toujours été a fond dans la religion et que la musique, n'est pas quelque chose de matériel, mais de spirituel....
Interviewer : about your new album. I wanted to ask you about the no presence of electric guitars in relation with the other albums. Don´t you like to listen electric guitars at your works? Maybe are you finally bored of electric guitars? and at the same time I would like to know if you keep on listening any rock band in the present days -We have no idea about the sales of your new album but will it be possible to see Kiske touring this year?
Michi : There are many electric guitars on that album, just not so over-distorted as on Hardrock-records. My relationship to hard guitars is even worse than just being bored about it. I am certainly bored with anything that needs to be loud to convince, but I personally can't stand any really brutal guitar-sounds anymore. Those make me get a headache and feel sick inside. I don't listen to much else besides classical music anyway. The sort of modern bands I still like are: U2, Coldplay, Keane, Sheryl Crow etc. The hardest music I am listening to these days is Queen. I still love them!
la il dit qu'il ne supporte plus les guitares électriques trop fortes/saturées. que ça lui fait mal à la tête et que ça le rend malade (
Interviewer : In spite of some metalheads’s opinions, your solo career is really sincere with your thoughts & feelings and we can see this in every album you record . I tell you this because you did a contribution in some metal albums (masterplan, avantasia, tribuzy etc etc) even though you said that you will never do metal anymore. Michi, could you tell us please for the last time why you did this contribution is this albums and if you would do it again if some of your “metal-friends” will ask you about it?
Michi : I have major problems with the Heavy-Metal-Scene today, the satanic-ideologies, antichrist and inhuman spirits, and also how art gets treated. But that doesn't mean that I hate everything that gets released under the banner of Metal. 5 Years ago I was still much easier talked into something like that, today I won't do too hard stuff anymore, because it doesn't do me any favour. There were different reasons for every project I did. Sometimes I simply liked the song. Next time I just wanted to do something with that person. Another time I just got talked into it. But real Metal-Songs won't get sung by me anymore. First of all because I 'm very tired of the crying of certain smart-asses. And secondly I don't want to draw the intention of the wrong people into my direction anymore. I need to build MY audiences now. I will still do projects, but I will be very selective. Rock-songs like ONE VISION or HAMMER TO FALL from Queen are my very limit in hardness. Harder than that is negative in my eyes and damages the human soul.
la il nous parle de ses problèmes avec la scène heavy metal, des idéologies sataniques et antichristiques (ça se dit?)
enfin bref, voila...
pour weiki, au hellfest pas de problème c'était en plein air