Mesa Triaxis

Forum Mesa Boogie
De - Fre
A combien on peut s'en tirer pour une bete comme ça quelles ont été les évolutions entre V1 V2 et autres, combien ça coute neuf etc...

Ah oui et les diff entre US et Fr?


De - Fre
Non rien en
  • #2
  • Publié par
    le 05 Sep 2003, 13:54
le triaxis en version 2 vaut 2800€

voici son historique


The TriAxis was introduced to the world in October 1992 and began with serial
#T0001. That would have been the 1.0 software version. In January 1993 the
version 2.0 software was introduced. That would have been somewhere around
serial #T1700. In 1997 around serial #T5000, all TriAxis were leaving the
factory with the Phat MOD was part of the software. The Phat MOD only affects
Lead One RED. It simply smoothes out the top-end of the Rectifier Sound making
it sound more like the actual Rectifier itself."
  • #3
  • Publié par
    le 05 Sep 2003, 13:55
le triaxis en version 2 vaut 2800€

voici son historique


The TriAxis was introduced to the world in October 1992 and began with serial
#T0001. That would have been the 1.0 software version. In January 1993 the
version 2.0 software was introduced. That would have been somewhere around
serial #T1700. In 1997 around serial #T5000, all TriAxis were leaving the
factory with the Phat MOD was part of the software. The Phat MOD only affects
Lead One RED. It simply smoothes out the top-end of the Rectifier Sound making
it sound more like the actual Rectifier itself."
tout boogie a augmenter ces dernieres années...

En ce moment sur amplification et Mesa Boogie...