nabstud a écrit :
Pour la modélisation rien de tel que le transistor ça j'en suis convaincu!
Les lampes ça colore et ce n'est pas ce qu'on recherche dans le cas de l'axe fx ! Puis zéro entretien et c'est moins fragile, le poids, le prix, la puissance,... j'en passe !
Pour moi le Fryette va se casser la gueule (comme le reste de sa gamme d'ailleurs je ne trouve plus que cette marque ait la cote meme si les power amps sont bien (quoique le 2/50/2 était mou du genou par rapport au 2/90/2)).
Bref, il me tarde de passer chez Matrix un jour!
Tiens je cite un passage d'un forum américain posté en septembre :
I've owned a 2/50/2, 2/90/2, several Carvin SS amps (pre-Axe II current firmware version) and now the Matrix GT1000. I will say that have never liked the Axe more than with the current set up. That could be purely related to the advancement in the firmware. I am getting a 2/50/2 in the mail today as I got a nice price on a new one. If it sounds better than the Matrix then I'll be happy to use it. If not, I'm sending it back. I was planning to wait for the LXII, but weight is not an issue, and I got the 2/50 for alot less than what the LXII would cost me. The advantage of SS really comes down to weight and no tube maintenance. I don't think people are necessarily saying it is better than tubes, but it's close enough/as good so as to warrant going that rout due to the the lack of weight and no tube maintenance.
I got the 2/50/2 late last night (UPS didn't deliver until about 8:00pm :thumbsdown: ), so I didn't get much time to play. I will say that I first plugged in the Matrix and used my favorite patch using the Herbert model. It sounded really good. It was a tone that I'd been really happy with for awhile. I then switched to the Fryette without changing anything on the Axe and it sounded alot better. I put the presence on the Fryette at around 9:00 and the depth was slightly to the left of noon. This weekend, I'll mess with the Axe/Matrix a bit to see if I can get it closer to the Axe/Fryette I was hearing last night. I had been thinking about getting the Matrix passive cabs (or the new atomics) to try FRFR, but I'm not convinced that could ever sound as good as using a tube poweramp through least to me.
Pour l'aspect pratique je suis entièrement d'accord.
Ceci dit on a un gros handicap en Europe question son, ce sont les normes ROHS. Si je devais acheter un Fryette, je me renseignerais et le ferais venir des US.