totoleboss a écrit :
c'est un probleme connu que sur la pédale de chorus ou bien ausis sur les autres pédale retrosonic ? car de mon coté sur la 808, j'ai aucun soucis !
Voici la copie des réponses aux mails que je lui avait envoyé (Tim Larvill, le boss de retro sonic):
à propos du pop:
The pop is due to true bypass, and the design of the chorus is particular senstive to it.. It can be modifed to non true bypass, but it would be expensive to send back. The switch needs to be removed an d the board modifed to make reduce the pop.
à propos de l isolement du chorus dans une boucle: (et toujoyrs à propos du pop)
A loop box might help, that way you could leave the chorus "on" all the time and switch it in/out via the loop.... I've always wanted to make the chorus a bufferd pedal, but everyone puts such an emphasis on true bypass, I'm afraid it would turn some customers off.
voila. à toi d en tirer les conclusions...