Bon bah alors...ça résoud mon souçis de looper (donc gain de place
) tu pouvais tester et me confirmer qu'avec un jack stéréo entre la riot et la shiba...losrque je switch l'une...l'autre se coupe, ça serait super!!!
j'ai posé la question chez suhr, et j'avais cru comprendre qu'il fallait un switch externe...
The FX link is essentially just shorting the tip of the FX link to Ground to turn ON the pedal so long as the little black slider switch is in the center.
You would need to wire up a switch that independently shorts the Riot FX link and not the Shiba. That would give you Riot on and Shiba off. If the situation was opposite then you would have the other combination. I don't know of a simple or economical box that you can buy to do that. Eventually we may have one but not yet.
tu peut me mettre une shiba de coté dès qu'elle seront arrivées? [/quote]