T'écoutes sur des enceintes d'ordi avec un sub non? Parce que la basse n'est pas trop forte, le mix est pas mal même.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
J'écoute au casque, pourtant le mdr 7506 n'est pas réputé pour ses basses. C'est plutôt une écoute "maigre" dirais-je. Bizarre que la basse me pète aux oreilles sur cette démo...
Ouais le sony a zero basse, c'est aussi mon casque principal, j'écouterai au casque demain, ça m'intrigue.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
Pete Thorn a fait une mise au point "objective" sur le Helix sur TGP :
"Ya, I just avoid gear I don't bond with. It's very simple. If I can't make it sound great to my ears, I stay away, I just politely decline to do a vid. I've always done it this way- no B.S., if I don't like it, I won't say I do. Ever.
Someone mentioned that almost all modelers are good these days- it's true. I can get great sounds out of the Kemper, obviously the Axe FX, and now the Helix. They all make great stuff!
Which brings me to- yes it sounds slamming. I loaded it with my fav cab impulses and this is how I'm using it as a modeler- I just love the Ownhammer stuff and I feel comfortable and familiar using their cab sims so that's what I'm using. Combine the great tones with the incredible ease of use- and all the other features like fx loops, relay switching, the big clear display that I can see even as blind as I am... etc- it's such a cool box, really.
In my video, I use it in a bunch of ways- as a modeler, and also 4 cable method with the PT100, both mic'd cab and also using the Suhr Reactive Load to take a line back into Helix for IR cab sims. "
Bon, ben la vidéo est dans les tuyaux, ça ne devrait plus tarder maintenant...
En fait, plus j'entends de démos et plus je suis déçu...
Après un premier effet de bonne surprise, je trouve que les défauts du début dans le son qu'on pouvait mettre sur le compte du manque d'expérience des premiers démonstrateurs se confirme au fil des vidéos.