Transformer une EHX smallstone en blackout effector whetstone phaser ?
t's a modded small stone w/ different ota chips for the phase stages.
the rate selector switches between different caps to ground off pin 5 of the ca3094.
the feedback control replaces the 270k resistor in the feedback circuitry (color switching removed).
the stages switch selects between stages 1 thru 4 or stages 3 and 4.
the filter switch grounds out the caps in stages 3 and 4.
the asymmetrical switch swaps in some "univibed" caps for stages 1 thru 3.
the depth control replaces the 27k mixing resistor coming off the phase stages.
the vibrato switch lifts the dry signal from the mix.
the width switch is the same as one-half of the color switch from the stone.
the volume control (and related circuitry) is most likely an lpb-style booster.
the rest is all small stone.