Bring Me The Horizon - Jona Weinhofen
What guitar/amp/pedals/strings etc do you use with BMTH/IKTPQ live?
heres a list of mostly what i use live in BMTH (primarily) and a couple of pics (some stuff has been replaced since these pics)
- furman power conditioner
- Shure UR4D+ wireless
- Tour Supply multi selector
- Voodoo Lab GCX midi switcher
- Boss RV-5 Digital Reverb
- Maxon OD808 Overdrive
- Providence DLY-4 Chrono Delay
- Electro Harmonix Mircro Pog and Pog 2
- Voodoo Lab Pedal Power
- Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor
- Boss DD7 Digital Delay
- Providence Stampede Overdrive
-TC electronics polytune
- Peavey 6505 amplifier
- Blackstar Artisan amplifier
- Mesa Boogie Rectifier cabinets
and some other stuff ill be messing around with during IKTPQ and BMTH writing
-Mid fi electronics pitch pirate
-Boss NS2
-Providence stampede overdrive
-Dr scientist reverberator
-Last gasp steroid overdrive
-Electro harmonix stereo memory man delay
-Maxon od808 overdrive
-Mid fi electronics glitch computer
-Boss PH2 super phaser
-WMD Geiger counter
-TC electronics polytune
2 x Caparison Angelus TR HGS Custom + EMG 85 & SA pickups + Ernie Ball not even slinky 12 - 54 string set with a custom 70 gauge replacing the 54 string. C standard Tuning, drop A# tuning and drop G tuning.
What amps/equipment did you use to record Suicide Season/There is a hell with BMTH?
All the rhythm guitar tracks were simultaneously double tracked. We used an EVH 5150 III + cab for the main sound and slaved it through an Engle Savage + cab (using the EVH sound) for the 2nd track. We used Lee’s Orange Rockerverb 100 for all clean tones. Most of the pedals we used were the same as our live rigs (overdrive/tubescreamers etc) and from memory we also used an Electro Harmonix/Sovtek big muff on some solo parts.