Le matériel des guitaristes pro(s) - (Sommaire en page 1)

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  • willem
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur

hier soir je suis allé voir Fall out boy au zenith de Lille.

je vais voir le lien qu'il y avait pour leur matos mais il ne fonctionne pas.

j'étais au fond donc je peux pas donner de précision sur le matos...

tout ce que je peux dire c'est pas d'ampli sur scene et des belles guitares qui s'allument sur I don't care... je me demande bien ce que c'était ces guitares car pendant la chanson y avait pas de spot qui les éclairer et jouer dans la pénombre et ont changé direct de gratte après...
Mon groupe post-rock: www.facebook.com/hopeandblackcloud

EP disponible: hopeandblackcloud.bandcamp.com
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #7981
  • Publié par
    le 26 Oct 2008, 11:39

Un scan de Guitar World présentant le pédalier actuel d'Eric Peterson :

lemgement lemg
Zakk Wylde
Sympa je vais essayer ses réglages de pedales .
"3. MXR Stereo Chorus (...) It has treble, mid and bass controls" ?
Y a erreur, ou alors il l'a tuné.
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #7984
  • Publié par
    le 26 Oct 2008, 12:45

Dans sa période rack (années 80) :



We were contacted by Lee Dixon, Eric's technician, with the request that we build a complete stereo touring system using the amps recently built for Eric by Mike Soldano (SLO 100s) and the effects which had been used in the recording studio. We first noted that all the effects, with the exception of the Wah pedal were stereo rack devices requiring line level (+4dBm) input and output signals; all at low impedance.

As it is not advisable to connect guitars to low impedance effects we made the decision to route all the rack effects to a point between the output of the SLO 100's "pre-amp" section and the "power amp" input. This proved not practical as the measured input sensitivity of the power amp was found to be 11V RMS (+23dBm), a signal level too high to be provided by the effects. We therefore designed an extra gain stage for the power amps to make the input sensitivity +4dBm, and as the amps had been returned to the USA for recording we requested that Mike Soldano add the gain stage. We also asked Mike to make some other modifications to the master volume controls of the SLO 100 pre-amp stages so that the output of the pre-amp stages were also +4dBm.

The next problem was how to link together many effects units that all have a mono input and stereo outputs. The only option was to feed all the effects inputs with the same isolated, balanced signal from the SLO 100 pre-amp sections and as this was to be a stereo system there were two pre-amps, eachwith a footswitch controlled "Clean/Crunch" or "Lead" output. As our system was to be as flexible as possible we decided to used both pre-amps, with their channel switching, and allow either one pre-amp to drive the effects or both pre-amps to be combined and then drive the effects. This produced some very interesting sounds, as it was now possible to use one pre-amp "Clean", the other in "Lead" and combine them together. The other "Clean" and "Lead" pre-amps could now be adjusted to provide different amounts of overdrive and tone and used either separately or combined.

Having split and isolated the selected pre-amp signal to provide low impedance balanced feeds to all the effects the next job was to combine all the effects outputs into one stereo pair suitable for driving the two power amp sections of the Soldano SLO 100s. A problem immediately arose: if each of the effects passed the "Dry" signal to the power amps then they would add together and alter the signal level each time an effect was added. It was also a requirement that when no effects were in use the SLO 100s should sound EXACTLY as they did before we built the routing system. We therefore removed all the "Dry" signals from each effect unit and routed the selected pre-amp signal directly to the power amps at unity gain. As the effects were, in general, all various types of delay and would usually not be louder than the "dry" signal we could ensure that the overall volume would remain constant no matter which effects were included in the power amp input signals. The effects outputs were now to be muted rather than bypassed as we already had the "Dry" signal and did not require another one!

For some special type of effect it might be essential to have only the "Effect" signal without the "Dry" so we arranged for the two pre-amp signals to be muted at certain times but still sending them to the effects. This system was used when the Leslie Effect (Dynachord CLS222) was switched on.

As the effects mutes, the pre-amp selectors and the dry mutes may be required to be switched simultaneously we decided add a matrix controller so that the various combinations could be pre-programmed and selected with just one footswitch. The matrix fitted was 10 X 20; the 10 vertical rows represented the 10 footswitches at stage front for operation by Eric and the 20 horizontal rows the various effects and routings that could be programmed by placing a pin in the crossing point by Lee. Any number of pins, up to the maximum of 20 could be inserted in each horizontal row and those functions or effects would then be assigned to the footswitch associated with that row.

Further refinements were added:
1) all effects inputs and outputs were converted to male and female locking XLR connectors to ensure that vibration in transit would not cause any loss of signal due to jack plugs working loose;
2) An automatic voltage stabilizer, providing an exact 117Vac was built to power the system.

JUNE 1989

The Routing System consists of 19 inch Rack Mount Units with a remote control footboard connected via a 16 metre multicore. All the effects bypasses and mutes, preamp muting, preamp channel change, Linear Boost, dry mutes etc. etc. are pre-selected by Lee Dickson via a pin matrix system on the off-stage rack and controlled in real time by Eric using the on-stage remote footboard. The pin matrix (20 X 10) allows the creation of any combination of effects and preamp usage to be controlled by a single footswitch thus with the ten available footswitches (nine on footboard plus one in Wah pedal) ten different combinations of the twenty options can be easily accessed.

Considerable modifications were done by Pete Cornish to the Soldano SLO100 Amps - Crunch, Clean and Lead preamp levels corrected and buffered to suit effects in use - Power amp section isolated to allow separate Master Volume and Linear Boosts to be utilized.

Signal Routing:
2 off Samson BR-3 Wireless receivers S/No:01904 / 01932

Pete Cornish Routing Unit S/No:200A
2 off Receiver Balanced Input with Gain Controls
2 off Auxiliary (Cable) Unbalanced Inputs
Tuner Select (Input 1 or 2)
Lee Dickson’s Tuner Output
Guitar Input Selector
Guitar Gain Selector (6 Way : each +14dB/-12dB)
LED Guitar Level Display
Clean D.I. with Mute
Eric Clapton’s Guitar Tuner Output
Send / Return to Drawmer Tube Compressor (Model 1960) S/No:1138
Send / Return to Preamp section of Soldano SLO 100/88043EC (Modified by Pete Cornish) with mute
Send / Return to Preamp section of Soldano SLO 100/88044EC (Modified by Pete Cornish) with mute
Clean / Lead Control to SLO 100 / 88043EC
Clean / Lead Control to SLO 100 / 88044EC
Preamp D.I. with Mute
Remote / Local Volume Control (Pedal)
Remote / Local Wah-Wah Control (Pedal)
Spare Send / Return (#4)
Output to S/No: 200B
Return from S/No: 200B (Stereo)
Send / Return Roland SDE3000 S/No: 426140 with Bypass
Send / Return TC Spatial Expander S/No:150833 with Bypass (Fitted later in place of Stereo EQ - S/R12)
Stereo / Mono Switch
Master Volume Control
Master Mute (Linked to D.I.s)
Effects D.I. (L)
Effects D.I. (R)
Output to SLO 100 S/No: 88043EC Power Amp
Output to SLO 100 S/No: 88044EC Power Amp
Auxiliary Output (L)
Auxiliary Output (R)
Linear Boost with Bypass (SLO 100 L/R + Aux L/R)

Pete Cornish Routing Unit S/No: 200B
Send / Return to Yamaha SPX90 S/No: 2155 with Mute
Send / Return to Dyna-My-Piano Tri-Stereo Chorus S/No: 3768 with Mute
Send / Return to TC2290 S/No: 512315 with Mute
Send / Return to Dynachord 222 S/No: 13157 with Mute
Spare Send / Return with Mute (#9)
Dry Mute (L)
Dry Mute (R)
Send / Return to Yamaha GEP50 S/No: OMO 1626 with Mute
10 X 20 Pin Matrix
10 off (A-J) Local Switches for FX Selection (Duplicates Footswitches)
Output to S/No: 200A

2 off Marshall Bass 4 X12 Cabs fitted with EV12L Drivers

Power Distribution Unit S/No: 199
Automatic Voltage Stabilizer

Input Range #1 76 - 134V
Input Range #2 158 - 279V
Output Voltage 117V ±0.5%
Output Load 2 X 15A Max

lemgement lemg
Zakk Wylde
Loupinou a écrit :
"3. MXR Stereo Chorus (...) It has treble, mid and bass controls" ?
Y a erreur, ou alors il l'a tuné.

ouai il s'est planté ou alors il parle du switch qui bride un peu les basses.
je savais pas que patersson etait sur marshall y a pas longtemps il ne jurais que par son evh3
born through sadness
Zakk Wylde
evilalex a écrit :
je savais pas que patersson etait sur marshall y a pas longtemps il ne jurais que par son evh3

Je les ai vu au Hellfest cette année et effectivement il y avait un(ou plusieurs je sais plus ) JVM a coté de lui après est ce qu'il était branché dessus ça ...........
oui je penses qu il etait brancher dessus du coup comme il l utlise maintenant scolnik joue sur mode4
born through sadness
Zakk Wylde
Mais j'ai l'impresion qu'au hellfest il y avait plein de tête JVM presque à chaque fois sur les scènes principales .

En tout cas ils avaient un p*tain de son contrairement au groupes avant eux sur la même scène .
comme quoi les amplis c est bien mais un bon inge son ca fait beaucoup le boulot un exemple gojira leur inge son est vraiment tres bon grace a lui ils ont eu cette reputation scenique avant d exploser avec leur 2 eme album
born through sadness
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #7992
  • Publié par
    le 27 Oct 2008, 14:59

Matériel de DJ Ashba :

lemgement lemg
Ïstrhe tôhda

J'ai decouvert un guitariste qui m'interesse beaucoup au niveau de son utilisation des effets : eivind aarset qui notamment collabore aux cotés de Nils petter Molvaer.

Si quelqu'un a des infos sur son matos....


En ce moment sur effet guitare...