Trevor Rabin plays a normal Fender Stratocaster with a DiMarzio pickup. "I also have a pedalboard built by Pete Cornish of London, who's excellent," Rabin says. "He has buffer amplifiers between each stage. It's mostly MXR equipment in there. Then I have a rack backstage with various effects, an MXR reverb unit, delay unit and pitch transposer. That's basically it, and then that goes through a Marshall 50. That's what is miked up and that's what I monitor from. On Chris' side of the stage, his guitar monitor, we have a Marshall 100 which is slaved to where it's a double lead. One goes into my 50, one goes into his 100, and that goes to Chris' side of the stage. So he has a much cleaner sound.
Le pédalier comprenanit donc :
- mxr 10 band graphic eq
- mxr distortion +
- mxr fuzztone
- mxr flanger
- mxr enveloppe filter
- analog delay