GW: Death metal thrives on icredibly heavy guitar tones. How do you all achieve your sounds?
BRUNELLE: I'll give you the sure-fire way to get the Morbid Angel guitar sound: Get yourself a Gibson Flying V, a Rat distortion pedal with the overdrive all the way on, tune to Fb (Eb-Ab-Db-Gb-Bb-Eb, low to high, or one half-step below standard), have the action high enough so that it doesn't buzz, use a 100-watt Marshall head and, preferably, a Rane equalizer. That's the sound right there.
SCHULDINER: The distortion pedal can be crucial to getting a good sound. I've always had good luck with Boss pedals-- just the standard orange one with three knobs.
BRUNELLE: How about the "Heavy Metal" pedal? (laughs) What a joke.
SCHULDINER: (laughs) Yeah-- I think they carried things a bit too far with that one. If you already have a lot of gain with what you're playing through, you might just need a simple overdrive. Right now I'm using Axtra guitars and I'm always tuned to D (D-G-C-F-A-D, low to high, or one whole step below standard)-- it feels so natural to tune that low, and it gives such a heavy edge.
et sur Chuck Schuldiner
Schuldiner's primary guitar throughout most of his career was the B.C. Rich Stealth model, an extremely rare model available only through the BC Rich custom shop. Prior to this he used another B.C. Rich Guitar, the Mockingbird model. Most of Schuldiner's sound came from a DiMarzio X2N pickup placed in the bridge. During the (In)Human Tour of the World (1991-92), Schuldiner briefly endorsed a small Wisconsin custom guitar company called Axxtra, who worked with him on designs, though he still insisted on using his BC Rich during filming of the Lack of Comprehension video in September 1991 in Orlando.
The amp he used towards the end of his career was a Marshall Valvestate amp head and Valvestate 4x12 speaker cabinets. Before that he used various equipment including Randall Amps and cabinets, and on the (In)Human Tour of the World he used a small GK 250ML miked up, despite having hollow 4x12 stacks 'for show'.
Ooooh... :O