Des photos du matos actuel de Scott Henderson trouvé sur son site:
Scott uses a very short cable from the guitar to the Z.Vex Fuzz Factory, and then into a Fulltone Octafuzz, Maxon SD-9, Xotic RC Booster, Arion Chorus with true bypass mod, Vox wah, and then into the amp. All of Scott's cable is Mogami 2524.
The amp effects send goes down to the purple box which has a 50K pot for subtile changes in volume, then into the Boss FV500L volume pedal for more drastic volume sweeps.
The output of the volume pedal goes back to the input of the black box on top of the amp, which is a Custom Audio one channel line mixer, and the output of the mixer goes to the amp effects return.
The Boss SE-70 is plugged into the send/return of the mixer, and all the SE-70 patches are set to 100% wet.
The TC Electronics G Minor is used to switch programs on the SE-70.
The Boss RC-2 Loop Station is not connected. Scott hooks it up in place of the wah during soundcheck to check his tone in the PA and for general fun.
Scott's amp is a Suhr SH100CL, which is the prototype of an amp that John Suhr will soon be making available to the public.
It's basically channel 2 of the OD100 Classic, only with a plexi Marshall layout and no extra switches.
Scott runs his amp at 8 ohms into a Suhr 4x12 cabinet loaded with 8 ohm Celestion 25 watt Greenbacks.
Pour les guitares:
The Scott Henderson model is a classic with an alder body, maple/Indian rosewood neck, 6100 frets, Sperzel locking tuners, three single coil V60LP pickups (no hot bridge, all pickups are the same), the SSC noiseless system, and a Fender Vintage bridge. Scott's guitar wiring: tone 1 controls the neck and middle pickup, tone 2 controls the bridge pickup, and the tone controls are bypassed in the 2 and 4 positions.
Scott's strings are D'Addario 11's tuned to Eb and he uses Fender Heavy picks.