Le matériel des guitaristes pro(s) - (Sommaire en page 1)

Rappel du dernier message de la page précédente :
On va etre au top sur wes, héhé!
C'est un guitariste que j'adorais, et qui m'a beaucoup influencé à une époque!!!
Limite il faudrait ouvrir un sujet rien que pour lui, parce qu'il a utilisé un paquet de matos différent lui aussi...(ibanez, prs, yamaha, guitares de luhier, guitares qu'il s'est monté, jackson, vigier... marshall, orange, mesa, roland, bogner, fender, diezel... je dois en passer et des meilleurs... Plus les effets!)!!!!
shadowchild a écrit :
On va etre au top sur wes, héhé!
C'est un guitariste que j'adorais, et qui m'a beaucoup influencé à une époque!!!
Limite il faudrait ouvrir un sujet rien que pour lui, parce qu'il a utilisé un paquet de matos différent lui aussi...(ibanez, prs, yamaha, guitares de luhier, guitares qu'il s'est monté, jackson, vigier... marshall, orange, mesa, roland, bogner, fender, diezel... je dois en passer et des meilleurs... Plus les effets!)!!!!

D'ailleurs j'avais ouvert ça avec un article où il explique qu'il adore test du matos et que son pédalier deveint de plus en plus étoffé au fil des ans. avec du Moog d'ailleurs parfois.

Ceci dit on peut ouvrir un forum matos, technique, tabs... de mr Borland.
Ah wé ça j en suis... Rassembler son matos sur les différentes périodes!
a reminder
[quote="Axis of justice"]
shadowchild a écrit :
Axis of justice a écrit :
Black light burns:

Et pour revenir sur black light burns, y'a d'autres photos live ou on voit des bogner xtc... Il avait deja utilisé bogner en studio (uberschall) ainsi qu'une tete diezel vh4 pour son ancien projet qui était tombé a l'eau (eat the day)

Et hop une photo (hyper connu) studio des sessions de cruel melody, avec Johnette Napolitano au chant.

Ohhh une Starcaster... Monsieur aurait-il bon goût ???
Mr. dickhead
josh homme et le reste de queens of the stone age

This seems to be Josh wall of sound. 3 Ampeg combo, each supported by speakers. According to ampeg, QOTSA are using the r-232r series. They seems to be older though. The r-232 was actually used by Brendan in 00'01 (thanks Aaron). The backline goes as follow : 2 ampeg vt40's (one top mount, pre '72 and one panel mount circa '74) and a ampeg vt22. All 3 cabs are v212. The guitar use is an Ovation. Our man Aaron says the following : "His Ovation 1431e (ultra GP) WAS stock, then he had it modded to string thru body. This guitar is not a copy or re-issue, it's one of the 250-300 of the GP's that exist. And I have a correction on the pickups...they are Dimarzio Super 2's not Super Distortions (per Charles Kaman II) - from http://www.ovationfanclub.com/". Robert sended the following information regarding Josh "new" guitar used in the "No One Knows" video : They are Maton guitars. Those used by Josh are the MS520S, MS526 and the MS520/12. They can be seen at www.maton.com.au . As for effect on this tour, it might be the same as below. But 3 combo let me think that they might be all set with different sound / dist and activated by switch boxes.

This is probably Josh early set up for QotSA. You can see the Tube Works head, a preamp and an old Ampeg Cab with 4 x 12. The other one is from the Kyuss days. Probably the same head, preamp and cab. The last one is an ampeg head. Josh also use v4b's (bass heads),old ampeg 4x12 Colossus cabs (ST-42L) and his VT-40. Other stuff you might see him with goes as follow according to Chris : "He also has like three gibson amps, an ampeg v4b, an ampeg v4b combo, a little peavey amp, an ampeg vl502, a vox ac30, and some other amps that I can't identify. (this is from the DVD)"

Josh Boss Tuner used in the Kyuss days. I guess he still use that. On the other pic, you can see a boss overdrive really clearly. Don't know the other one. Probably the boss tuner and a volume pedal. Josh was also spotted with an Electro Harmonix Bass Micro-synth. Travis sended that good peice of info too : "I was at the Troubadour show (the one on the SFTD DVD) and was standing right in front of Josh. His pedals for that show were an Ernie Ball volume pedal, on old beat up Boss SD-1, a Way Huge Aqua Puss (400ms analog delay - rare and expensive), and he had a Whirlwind Selector pedal covered in bright green tape with "BONUS" written over the A + B switch. (I think I also saw it on the Letterman performance)"

Josh Electric Ovation. Used in Kyuss and QotSA. Probably his main axe. It's an Ovation Ultra hardbody GP1- S model 1431 (one that is black with a tune-o-matic bridge and an original in sunburst that he seems to be using alot these days). All guitars are tuned C-F-Bb-Eb-G-C, heavy strings with wound 3rd strings. A little info on those Ovations, they were made only one year, 1984 and as little as 250 of them may exist. The only set neck Electric Ovation ever made. Dimarzio Super Distortion P/u's and a BadAss bridge. Rare and hard to find. Travis emailed me this : "About the Ovation Ultra GP. I spent three years trying to track one down and in the process learned a lot about them. GP1-S refers to the sunburst model (I believe). Like you have on your site they were only made in '84 and it's rumored that there are between 250-450 in existence. They came in four colors: black, wine, sunburst, and honey burst. The pickups are Dimarzio DP-104 (Super II) and the stock ones an a GP are an odd fully rectangle shape, unlike the current Super II. The original bridge is a Schaller 455. All the GPs were made in America with Korean parts. I now own 2 of them and they are with out a doubt the coolest guitar I've ever played. There maybe higher "quality" guitars, but the GP wins out with tone, playing vibe, and uniqueness. Plus they are solid and dependable. Josh's GPs both look modified now. The black one has a Tune-o-matic bridge (as you listed) and the sunburst one is now a string through body."

This guitar is a Supro (Thanks to Chris). Josh also use a Gibson Marauder (or S-1). He used it for the Farm Club prestation. Josh, according to Chris, also uses Gretch guitars.

Nick Oliveri

Nick also uses v-4b's through the colossus cabs.

Nick ampeg bass ADAB1. He dosen't seems to use this one that much, but i does use it.

Those are Fender bass. You can see 2 jazz bass and one P-Bass. Nick used only Fenders when i saw them live. As for effect, i think Nick only use a Volume pedal.

Troy Van Leeuwen

Troy man band is "A Perfect Circle". He was asked by Josh 2 weeks before touring if he could play lapsteel and keyboard.
This is what Troy was using at the Kool Haus in Toronto Sept 7 2002.

The Electronic Piano seems to be a Nord Electro (info on this is needed). He also have a small pad (bass key ?!) and a lap steel that is a Chandler. Guitar used are a Gibson Les Paul in standard tuning, and a Gibson ES-135 tuned down to C. Both with Seymour Duncan Custom Humbuckers. The guitars and lap steel goes in a rig that is identical to Josh's setup. As for effect : Boss Overdrive, Lexicon Vortex, and a DigiTech Double Play chorus/delay via Digital Music Ground Control Loop switcher, and a DigiTech Whammy for low-octave. The lap steel is tuned to open E, and run through an Ernie Ball volume pedal, an mxr Distortion+, a Boss Reverb, and a Way Huge Aqua Puss Delay. All this info comes from the october Guitar Player.

Joey Castillo

Drums: DW
20x24 Bass
11x14 Rack Tom
14x16 Floor Tom
16x18 Floor Tom
7x14 Bronze Snare Drum

Cymbals: Paiste
15" 2002 Sound Edge Hi Hats
19" Innovations Crash
20" 2002 Medium Crash
24" 2002 Medium Ride

Heads: Remo
Snare - CS Coated Power Dot on top, Remo Ambassador Snare Side on bottom
Toms - Coated Emperor tops, Clear Ambassador bottoms
Kick - Clear Powerstroke 3 on batter, DW Ambassador resonant side

Hardware: DW
  • Narci
  • Vintage Top utilisateur
Damien Rice : trouvé sur le forum eskimofriends.com

3 LS-2, bonjour le bordel !!
in requiem
qui auraient des infos sur le matos de cathedral
toi qui rentre ici,abandonne toute esperance
  • Gabouel
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
a reminder a écrit :
Ohhh une Starcaster... Monsieur aurait-il bon goût ???

Ben non, sinon il n'aurait pas la même gratte que Greenwood..

aïe, non, pas la tête !!!
a reminder
Gabouel a écrit :
a reminder a écrit :
Ohhh une Starcaster... Monsieur aurait-il bon goût ???

Ben non, sinon il n'aurait pas la même gratte que Greenwood..

aïe, non, pas la tête !!!

Hello tout le monde, je pense pas que j'aurais pas beaucoup de réponses, mais au cas où...
Est ce que quelqu'un aurait des infos concernant le matos de Jeff Mueller qui jouait dans June of 44, et plus récemment dans Shipping News.. ??
En tout cas si vous connaissez pas allez écouter, du rock abrasif dans la veine chicagoane des 90's.. vous savez Quaterstick Touch&go...
Du tout bon
I want pure organic sound in my face !

Du nouveau son ici >> http://www.myspace.com/plopinyourhead
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #5262
  • Publié par
    le 24 Nov 2007, 16:17


Ne craignez rien, on peut déceler des informations là-dedans. La preuve, même s'il y a des erreurs :

B) Dweezil Zappa
hnědý Gibson SG + Vibrola
1 x Cornford 3 channel head (Main)
1 x Cornford 1 channel head (Return)
1 x Blankenship Leeds 18 head (blue)
1 x Cornford 4 x 12" rovný box (brown/black)
1 x Cornford 4 x 12" rovný box (black/natural)
Floor board:
1 x Cry Baby (kvákadlo)
1 x Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
1 x Split Box (jack/XLR)
1 x Ernie Ball Volume Pedal
2 x Custom Audio Electronics RS-10 MIDI Foot Controller
(popisky: OC-2/D.O.D. Envelope/Glow Vibe/Maestro, CE-1/To Modulator/Germanium RC-Boost...)
Popisky - druhý Foot Controller (přesně dle mistra):
B1 (4 x switch)
B2 (4 x switch)
B3 (4 x switch)
B4 (4 x switch)
B5 (4 x switch)
B6 (4 x switch)
B7 (4 x switch)
B8 (4 x switch)
Malý rack:
1 x preamp ADA (?)
1 x Eventide Ultra Harmonizer
1 x Custom Audio Electronics (rack unit)
1 x TC Electronic 2290 Dynamic Digital Delay + Effect Control Processor
Velký rack:
1 x mains + rack light unit (neznámý)
1 x neznámý (rack unit)
1 x Sound Sculpture Switchblade GL
2 x neznámý (1/4 rack unit)
1 x prázdný panel (plus kabel)
Efekty (podle pořadí v racku):
1 x neznámý (zelená kostka), 1 x Yamaha (?), 1 x neznámý, 1 x Germanium
1 x neznámý (černý box), 1 x neznámý (modrý box), 1 x neznámý (bílý box)
1 x Boss CE-1, 1 x Boss OC-2, 1 x neznámý efekt (asi TC Electronic)
1 x neznámý box
1 x neznámý malý box
1 x Guitar Splitter (rack unit)
1 x patchbay (konektory jack)
1 x patchbay (jack/XLR)

D) Jamie Kime
Gibson Les Paul, Fender Stratocaster
1 x Ernie Ball Volume Pedal
1 x Cry Baby (kvákadlo - modifikace Way Huge Electronics)
1 x Way Huge Saffron Squeeze
1 x Way Huge Red Llama
1 x Boss Octave OC-2
1 x Boss DS-1 Distortion
1 x Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
1 x Boss TU-12 Chromatic Tuner
1 x Demeter Amps The Tremulator
1 x Way Huge Mono-Vibe MV-1
1 x xotic.effects.usa RC Booster
1 x A/B amp switcher (neznámý)
1 x Voodoo Labs Power Supply (?)
1 x Bogner Footswitch (select, reverb a boost)
1 x Bogner Shiva 84 (head)
1 x Bogner Shiva 84 (2 x 12" combo)

A noter qu'en 2007, Dweezil a changé ses amplis, ce sont des Fuchs, ainsi qu'une tête Fender et un combo que je n'ai pu identifier avec des switchers RJM pour les amplis.


Dweezil is touring this year with Zappa plays Zappa" and is running two 100-W Tripledrive Supremes with matching 4 x 12 Fuchs Cabinets in stereo via an RJM "Amp Gizmo" midi interface.

Dweezil's current rig includes 14 separate pedals, controlled by a Bradshaw 2 X 5, a Bradshaw 4 X 4, Bradshaw Interface, and a Switchblade, a 2290, Eventide Orville, 3 RJM Amp Gizmos, Visual Sound Volume Pedal. Very cool.

lemgement lemg
in requiem
joli pantalon
toi qui rentre ici,abandonne toute esperance
Doc Plus
Ca dernière signature chez Yamaha est d'ailleurs largement inspiré du corps de la Starcaster.

Yep mais perso je prefere vraiment les lignes de la starcaster.

3 LS-2, bonjour le bordel

Hi Damien, Go to lnafx.com !

Sinon hier sur tombé sur youtube sur des videos de radiohead (webcast) d'il y a quelques jours avec quelques titres live. Derriere Ed on voit une tete et cab Fender, qui pourraient etre un supersonic ... ou autre apres tout je matais les videos, je ne me suis pas attardé davantage.
Vends Seymour Duncan SM-3 et Méca grover
  • Gowy
  • Custom Cool utilisateur
    Cet utilisateur est un musicien professionnel
  • #5265
  • Publié par
    le 24 Nov 2007, 17:30
merci pour le lien sur dweezil ;-))
Artiste endorsé Vigier - Savarez - Two notes - Benoit de Bretagne - GuitarPro - BDcustom

Nouvel album « Music Without Money » en écoute sur Spotify, Apple Music etc etc et en vente sur

En ce moment sur effet guitare...