Et c'est reparti pour une campagne de pub très bien calculée:
Résumé des infos:
-Strymon specializes in digital modeling of such a high degree, that it takes the entire processing power of a Sharc DSP to run their algorithms (I know DC had drive pedals, but only one DC pedal has even made it across the line so far)
-They have one analog pedal (OB.1) which has 3 knobs
-This pedal has 5 knobs and 2 dipswitches (possibly 4 way)
-There are two lines of text above the left LED (seems a bit complicated)
-The pedal is clearly next to modulation pedals on the product page of the website
-Strymon said on their twitter that they were not making a drive pedal
J'ajouterais que la dernière photo montre:
- Stereo outs
l'hypothèse suivante me plait assez:
How many trems are on the market right now that are stereo in? Very few. I feel Strymon could do a really good trem. I would hope it is stereo in, but I have a bad feeling it wont be in favor of an expression control. Not enough pedals have stereo inputs, which is a huge problem when you are trying to put together a stereo pedalboard.
Here's another question:
How many trem pedals can actually cross two signals between two amps? (Panning simultaneously a stereo signal around the room). To my knowledge, none that are widely available. I have one but I had to have it custom made.
- Qu'il y a une prise pédale d'expression
- Que les footswitch comporte un bypass (à droite) et un ***ass à gauche ce qui peut etre:
bypass, Lowpass, Highpass etc..
double bypass pour un truc stéréo avec deux effets séparés (un tremolo ?) ou un filtre...
"J'ai l'impression que certains ici ne prennent pas la guitare assez au sérieux... J'en ai surpris en train de s'amuser... Dommage..." - Zepot
FAUVE ? "imiter Thierry Roland qui imite Grand corps malade, c'est pas donné a tout le monde" - Mia Wallace