Nouvelle guitare pour stephen carpenter (Deftones)?

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    le 15 Janv 2008, 19:32
The_Kerf a écrit :
Je ne sais pas si vous aviez vu cette vid, où Stef explique en gros qu'il entend bazarder tout son ancien matos pour un nouveau son sur le prochain album :

en fait ce n'est pas tout à fait ça...

Tell me about your setup in the studio and how it compares to what you play onstage.

My setup has not changed in the last seven years, outside of me switching to the 7-string guitars. My amps are Marshalls. I use a JMP-1 preamp and the 9200 power amp with EL34s, Marshall 4x12 cabinets with 75-watt Celestions, and two with 80-watt Celestions. I would love to change the 75s out for 100-watt Celestions simply because of the low end. Playing with the 7-string, I want that low end to be low, crisp and punchy, so you can feel it and it’s not all mushy. Onstage I have 4x12s with 75-watt Celestions. There are two Marshall cabinets that I’ve had ever since we did Adrenaline that have been my two main cabinets at all times, in the studio and onstage, and they both have 80-watt Celestions in them. I use those two offstage as isolation cabinets that are my main sound. I have two power amps in my rack. One amp is running the two cabinets and the isolation cabinets, and the other amp is running the four cabinets onstage.

What are the effects you’re using in your rig?

Right now I have the same effects as forever, but I’m actually going to strip my rig down. I have a Rocktron Intellifex which I’ve had since ’97 or ’98—at least ten years—and I’ve been using that, a T.C. Electronic 2290 and a T.C. Fireworx. I love my 2290, but I’m going to pull it out because the Fireworx can do everything the 2290 can do. I’m really only using delays and chorus. So I’ve got overkill on that end. So I’m pulling my 2290s out and I’m going to keep them in our recording setup. I also have a Behringer Intelligate noise gate. I’ve probably had that about ten years, too. In my pedalboard, I have a Digitech Whammy pedal, a ZVex Fuzz Factory, ZVex Seek wah, and ZVex Machine. On “Beware,” at the intro of the song, it’s the Fuzz Factory and the Machine together. My other pedals are a Boss Digital Delay, Boss Flanger, Boss Tremolo, and Boss Hyper Fuzz. I also have the Electro-Harmonix Bass Micro Synth pedal. I’m going to redo my pedalboard and throw all my pedals in a drawer in the rack. I don’t need them upfront because they’re just getting thrashed from sweat and dirt onstage. But what I will have upfront on my pedalboard will be the Rocktron RS-10 custom audio controller, my Whammy pedal and a volume pedal, and maybe a digital delay and tremolo pedal because I need to adjust those for certain things when we’re onstage.

voilà pour le reste:
Ooooh... :O
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putain une 8 cordes , super belle ...

je savais que le bonhomme était fan de l'album chaosphère de meshuggah , ca se confirme , il les aime !

remarque , moi aussi ca me fout sur le cul , normal

autant la 8 cordes je trouve ca pas stupide (ca va sonner accordé comment ? F# ? il était pas déja en F#d'ailleurs ? ) , autant je trouve que guitar rig c'est une connerie , ce soft sonne pas du tout je trouve j'avais testé (grace au petit ane) mais ca m'avait pas plu beaucoup. juste tester les différents trucs , se dier "tiens les greenback ca sonne bien" et se barrer parce que les distos sont pas géniales ...

bizarre , parce qu'au début il était sur ADA MP-1 , puis sur JMP-1 , un choix que je trouve tout a fait judicieux (de toute facon j'aime beaucoup son son ... )
di monster?? tu vas ressortir tout les topic qui parle de Carpenter

C'est clair que le son de carpenter dans deftones, surtout les premiers, est a tomber
Général Egorgeur de l'armée Dépilaïcheunienne

En ce moment sur guitare électrique...